Concavo-convex had significant negative effects on the number of saplings and small and medium trees but had little effects on the number of big and old trees. 凹凸度与幼树、小树和中树数量呈显著负相关,与老树和大树数量的相关性不显著。
Making Model Technology of Casting Concavo-convex Concerted Sealing Frame Board 铸造凹凸配合密封框板的制模工艺
The interface between 316L stainless steel fibre and HA ( ZrO2) matrix is partly concavo-convex. 316L不锈钢纤维与HA(ZrO2)基体间的界面表现为部分凹凸不平,紧紧地咬合在一起。
According to the characteristic of face, we divide the facial area into two sections, one is smooth and the other is concavo-convex. 根据人脸特征进行脸部区域分类,将人脸区域分成比较平坦区域和凹凸明显区域两类。
In addition, the method can be further applied to testing those suspicious currency that should have concavo-convex structure without intaglio print. 而且,币拓法的检验对象还可进一步推广到可疑货币上除水印以外的其他所有本身应为凹凸结构但采取非凹版印刷方法印制的图文上面去。
In order to perform hidden-surface processing on multiple concavo-convex polyhedrons, visible test should be made for a single concavo-convex polyhedron. 为了对多个凹凸形多面体进行消隐处理,应首先对单个凹凸形多面体进行可见性测试。
Methods Searching circle-based edge detection algorithm was developed on the basis of Sobel edge detector. Apriori knowledge of the facial contour and searching limitations as the minimum curvature radius, concavo-convex property, and maximum edge disconnected distance were used to detect the edge of frontal facial contour. 方法利用面部轮廓的先验知识,在Sobel边缘检测算子的基础上,以边缘最小曲率半径、凹凸性和边缘最大间断距离为约束,以基于搜索圆的变步长面部轮廓边缘搜索算法,实现边缘检测。
Moreover a new machining device was designed and fabricated to deposit the micro-pattern Polyaniline thin film onto concavo-convex surface. 此外,设计并制作了聚苯胺图形薄膜微加工装置,可以实现导电高聚物薄膜在不同表面上的沉积,大大提高了聚苯胺的二维图形加工性能。