Involving or characteristic of conceptualism. 包含或具有概念论特征。
Legal conceptualism has been regarded as an obstacle to the judicial adaptation of the law to social change. 法律概念被认为是使法律在司法方面适应社会变革的一个障碍。
If valued from the benchmark of artistic theory, the most radical formalism, and the most extreme conceptualism or functionalism have all appeared in Chinese contemporary art. 在艺术的标尺上,从最极端的形式主义到最极端的观念主义、功能主义都在中国的当代艺术里有所体现。
The traditional Computer Aided Design system is very efficient on building engineering drawing and 3D entity model, but it does not satisfy the designer who often encounters modification and choice in the conceptualism design phase. 传统的计算机辅助设计(ComputerAidedDesign,简称CAD)系统在生成工程图和三维实体模型方面十分有效,但不能很好地满足产品设计者在概念化设计阶段经常遇到的修改和形状的选择。
Conceptualism is the foundation of logic. 概念论是逻辑学的基础。
Being a branch of philosophy, philosophy of linguistics deals with the foundations of linguistics. Nominalism, conceptualism and realism are the three possible ontological ideas of language. 这一学科根据传统哲学本体论的观念将语言观分析为唯名论、概念论和实在论。
Around Liberation, they were both strongly opposed to mechanism and dogmatism in theorization, conceptualism and formulation in production, and denominationalism in organization. 他们在解放前和解放初,反对理论上的机械论和教条主义,反对创作上的概念化和公式化,反对组织上的宗派主义。
Hacker, Blogger, and Flasher, all new genres of art coming with the application of computers and network technology, confirm with their respective values such ideas as postmodernism, minimalism and conceptualism. 黑客艺术、博客艺术与闪客艺术都是伴随计算机与网络技术的应用而出现的艺术新品。它们印证了后现代主义、极简主义与概念主义等理念,具有自己的价值。
The school of conceptualism jurisprudence overly trusts in the perfect of the legal system, regarding the judicial process as the legal application simply, not being able to effectively balance the realistic interest relationship so as to hardly adapt to the practical changes in social life. 概念法学派过于信赖法律体系的完善,将司法过程简单定位于法律的适用,不能有效协调现实利益关系,故难以适应社会生活的实际变化。
Cardozo pursued the teaching of practical conceptualism that was based on the needs of society to its ideological foundation for the administration of justice, Instead of the usual or we are talking about pure pragmatism or social jurisprudence, and so on. 即卡多佐奉行的是以社会需求为其司法审判思想基础的一种实用概念主义,而不是通常我们所说的或单纯的实用主义或社会法学等等。
Through analyzing and summarizing the related theory and the achievement of practice home and abroad probe the urban landscape taking the narrative theory as the foundation as well as applying the history of gardening, conceptualism, spirit of site and the environmental psychology. 通过对大量国内外理论和实践成果的分析与总结,以叙事理论为基础,综合运用园林史、文脉主义、场所精神和环境心理学等相关理论对城市景观的叙事性表达进行比较系统深入的探讨。