The example is in AspectJ but pointcuts in other systems are conceptually identical. 这是AspectJ的例子,但是在其他系统中的切入点在概念上是相同的。
Functional and non-functional requirements are not conceptually different. 功能性需求和非功能性需求在概念上不同。
Conceptually, an object storage system can be viewed as a flat namespace of objects and their associated metadata. 从概念上讲,对象存储系统可以视作对象的平面名称空间和它们的关联元数据。
Conceptually, it's just a matter of moving the arrows. 从概念上讲,这只是一个移动箭头的问题。
In this case, it is outputting movie name and a value of the runtime, rather than a map, but conceptually this is the same. 在本例中,视图输出的是电影名称和放映时间值,而不是一个映射,但在概念上二者是相同的。
Conceptually, options and methods are different. 从概念上讲,选项与方法是有区别的。
Conceptually, the logical volume layer sits between the application and physical layers. 从概念上讲,逻辑卷层位于应用程序层和物理层之间。
Conceptually, such a construct allows you to attach annotations to program elements in a crosscutting manner. 概念上,这种结构可以以横切的方式在程序元素上附加注释。
Conceptually, this is no different from the way that physical mail is delivered in real life. 从概念上来讲,这与现实生活中真实邮件的传递方式没什么不同。
Pausing a container is conceptually similar to sending the SIGSTOP signal to all the processes in a container. 暂停一个容器在概念上类似于将SIGSTOP信号发送到一个容器中的所有进程。
Strictly speaking, Commands are also conceptually part of the model. 严格地说,命令概念上也是模型一部分。
This can be very expensive and cumbersome, both conceptually and computationally. 无论是在概念上还是在计算上,这可能代价非常高并且非常麻烦。
Conceptually, this is not unlike the way you would intuitively describe a pattern in a natural language. 从概念上说,似乎不能用自然语言了直观地描述模式。
Conceptually, think of the web page as a document. 从概念上讲,可将Web页面视为一个文档。
These steps focus on conceptually simplifying the problem that you are tackling. 这两步集中在概念上简化您正在处理的问题。
Although conceptually simple, the approach was not scalable. 尽管在概念上比较简单,但这种方法是不可伸缩的。
But conceptually, it's really not any different. 但从概念而言,实际并没有任何区别。
As such ports conceptually decouple a class from the provider. 因为这样的端口在概念上解除了对提供者提供的类的耦合。
Instead, you should try to create conceptually different types that will add readability and extendibility to your IDL. 您应该尝试创建不同概念的类型,它将为您的IDL添加可读性和可扩展性。
It follows that a basic block can be conceptually considered a single group or block of instructions. 接下来的是一个基本块,它可以认为是一个单个组或者一系列的指南。
More importantly, you can conceptually divide technology and function of multimedia into control systems and information. 可以将多媒体技术和功能在概念上区分为控制系统和信息。
Programs consist of a number of processes, each of which contains one or more conceptually concurrent threads of execution. 程序包含了若干进程,每一个进程包含了一个或多个概念上执行的线程。
Conceptually, this is a good model, but all too often people actually implement their code this way. 从概念上来说,这是一个很好的模型,有很多用这种方式来实现他们的代码。
Why is this not like conceptually a new theorem? 为什么这个看上去不是一个新的定理呢?
You have three line integrals to compute instead of two, but conceptually it remains exactly the same idea. 要计算三个线积分,而不是两个,但概念上是一样的。
But conceptually it is the same as before. 从概念上看,这和之前是一样的。
But conceptually it is very similar. 但在概念上它们很相似。
Although the task is conceptually straightforward, the size and scope of MEDLINE make the task nontrivial. 尽管该任务在概念上是直截了当的,但是MEDLINE的大小和范围使得该工作不那么容易。
Conceptually, one can view the STA adapter as identical to the physical adapter after virtualization. 理论上,在虚拟化之后,我们可以认为STA网卡和物理网卡是完全相同的。
Even characters rendered as two-dimensional images become more realistic and believable if considered conceptually in three dimensions. 连字符变成为两维图像变得更加现实和可信的,如果认为是在理念上,在三个方面。