The 2006 Pebble Beach Concours de Elegance was held on the greens at the Pebble Beach Golf Course this past Sunday. 在鹅卵石高尔夫海滩举办了2006年鹅卵石海滩比赛。
August 20: Gooding and Co was appointed the 'official' Pebble Beach auction house in 2004, meaning it gets to stage its sale right beside the club house at 6 on the evening of the concours judging. 8月20日:GoodingandCo曾被指定为2004年卵石滩拍卖会的官方拍卖行,意味着它将在展览评审当晚6点,把拍卖展台设在俱乐部会所旁边。