The great concourse of people seemed to have been similarly impressed. 这一大群人似乎也留下了同样深刻的印象。
The ticket office is at the rear of the station concourse. 售票处在车站大厅的后部。
Uma went first, standing alone in the middle of the concourse, holding her pink doll and putting on a good act of being scared and vulnerable. 乌玛先出现在路边,一个人站在聚集的人群中间,抱着她的粉色娃娃,脸上是害怕受伤的表情。
In the arrivals concourse, there were blue emergency sleeping-bags and makeshift cardboard mattresses. 在临时安置地,民众可以获得蓝色的紧急睡袋和临时的纸板床垫。
They then went on a tour of King's Cross station where they met people at a concourse pub – including two wearing exactly the sort of earpieces that plain clothes protection officers often sport. 于是两人又在国王十字站游览了一番。他们在地铁大厅的一个酒吧里遇到了一些人,其中有两人耳朵上戴着便衣警卫常戴的那种耳机。
Now, passengers walking in front can see the famous sky ceiling of the main concourse, with its depictions of stars and constellations. 如今,旅客走在前面,可以看到主站厅那著名的天顶壁画,上面画着星星和星座。
An old photograph of the main concourse, before another major construction project sprang up next door, hangs on his wall. 有一张老照片挂在墙上,展示的是主站厅,当时隔壁还有一个大型建筑项目即将动工。
Homeowners in neighborhoods like the Grand Concourse in the Bronx or Elmhurst in Queens could enjoy new attention from buyers eager to find the next untapped market. 布朗克斯大广场区或皇后区埃尔姆赫斯特(Elmhurst)的业主们,即将迎来急于寻找下一个未开发市场的买家们的新关注。
If you want a concourse in Shenzhen, please have note in you sign up card. 因此,凡希望由秘书处安排前往香港的与会人士请在会议报名表中注明,以便安排。
This is the reason of this concourse of righteousness epistemology source. 这是理的所以然之义的认识论来源。
As the important concourse for ecotourism to be accomplished, ecotourism district are the destinations for ecotourism. 生态旅游区是生态旅游者的目的地,在生态旅游业发展中具有举足轻重地位与作用。
Now, as Ikey entered, McMahan stood, flushed and triumphant and mighty, the centre of a huzzaing concourse of his lieutenants and constituents. 就在艾奇走进咖啡馆的这一刻,麦默恩站在他欢呼着的副手和选举人中央满面红光,洋洋得意,强大有力。
To realize their capacity to produce an actual dharma, the Bijas requite a concourse of conditions. 使其种性能产生实际的法之存在,故种子需要种种因缘条件的会合。
For travel from the concourse to the platform, all stations except the Racecourse Station have escalators, lifts or ramps. 除马场站外,所有车站均有扶手电梯或斜坡由车站大堂直达月台。
She's looking down on the continued bustling activity of the main terminal concourse. 她俯视候机主楼大厅里持续的熙熙攘攘的活动。
San Francisco's design center concourse played host to this year's event as it did the year before. 旧金山的设计中心,大堂接待了今年的事件,因为它没有前一年。
They're gonna storm the North concourse doors on my command. 他们会攻击大厅的北大门。
Another one of the station's elevators, which runs from the concourse up to the street, is also out of service as a result of planned renovations. 联合车站的另一台电梯,从中央大厅一直到大街上,因为要改造目前也处于停运状态。
Whenever it rains, we are informed in grave tones that this means the station concourse will be wet and therefore slippery. 无论何时下雨,路上就被铺上小沙砾,我们被告知车站广场是湿的,小心滑倒。
The groundbreaking naming-rights agreement for Toyota Center, which includes an unprecedented in-bowl vehicle display and an expansive vehicle showroom on the concourse. 丰田中心的命名权合同,包括在中央广场空前的车辆展览和豪华的车辆陈列室。
The concourse at the away end of the stadium on Sunday will be decked out with posters commemorating liverpool's history, including their recent European Cup success. 周日客场球迷的看台将会挂满讲述利物浦历史的宣传海报,其中包括他们去年获得冠军杯的盛况。
A small train shuttles constantly between the concourse and the runways. 一列小型火车往返于机场大厅和跑道之间。
A new pedestrian subway has been built at the eastern side of the station concourse, linking the station to Tsuen Nam Road and the new Public Transport Interchange. 大围站的大堂东面将兴建一条行人隧道,连接村南道及新的公共交通交汇处。
These include the financing of the second runway, the north-west concourse and new capital expenditure arising after airport opening. 该项贷款用作普通企业融资,包括第二条跑道、西北客运廊及机场启用后所需的资本支出。
Los Angeles policeman dies after discovering a major CIA distribution point for heroin and cocaine at the top of the Staffers Concourse Hotel in Los Angeles and is killed. 一个洛杉矶警察死亡,在发现一个主要的,中情局毒品海洛因和可卡发货点,在洛杉矶的StaffersConcourse旅馆顶楼后被杀害。
Under the grey heavens, whose drizzle just kept off, the dark concourse gathered to see the show. 细雨才停,灰色天空下黑压压的人群都集合在这里看这一幕戏剧。
We'll drop down to the concourse, go around one to two. 先到大厅再从一塔到二塔。
We believe that we can create on-site agricultural area, where we can use the high quality concourse in addition to the cheap bag in order to produce local, fresh opportunities for the school. 我相信可以建造一个,现场农业区,在这里我们可以使用燃料,除了便宜的袋子,来为学校提供,当地更多的机会。
Apart from two restaurants, concession facilities will be distributed throughout the public concourse. 除了两间餐厅,特许设施将分布在各公共大堂。
This is due to a concourse of circumstances. The two rivers mingle their waters when they join. 这是由于多种情况汇合在一起造成的。两河汇合时,河水交混在一起。