You can have several branding plug-ins installed in Lotus Sametime concurrently. 您可以拥有几个同时安装在LotusSametime中的品牌插件。
This is how the program multitasks or concurrently processes results from several requests. 这是程序进行多任务处理或并发处理来自多个请求的结果的方法。
This models many users concurrently accessing dynamically generated and newly delivered content, such as messages and meetings. 这将对许多并发访问动态生成的或最新发布的内容(比如消息和会议)的用户进行建模。
A server that caters to hundreds of clients simultaneously must be able to use I/ O services concurrently. 同时为成百上千个客户机提供服务的服务器必须能够并发地使用I/O服务。
This support allows a developer to concurrently interact with several separate repositories and versions of code or projects. 这种支持允许开发人员并发地与几个独立的资源库以及不同版本的代码或项目进行交互。
Regardless of which subsystem is chosen, both run concurrently on AIX. 无论选择哪个子系统,它们都将在AIX中并发地运行。
Invocation concurrency: The number of threads of execution concurrently invoking a service or method. 调用并发性:并发调用服务或方法时执行的线程数。
In this diagram, all the job objects without connectors are invoked at the same time and run concurrently. 在这个图表中,所有不带连接器的作业对象同时调用并并发运行。
Multiple databases can exist and be concurrently used in a DB2 instance. 在一个DB2实例中可以同时存在并并发地使用多个数据库。
The ability to script password and passphrase entry and to control multiple connections concurrently are powerful. 在脚本中使用密码和密码条目,以及并发地控制多个连接,这些功能都是非常强大的。
Multiple onEvent and onAlarm events can occur concurrently and they are treated as concurrent activities. 多个onEvent和onAlarm事件可以并发出现,它们将作为并发活动对待。
In this scenario, all requests with different service classes will all be executed in the servant region concurrently. 在此场景中,具有不同服务分类的所有请求都将在该服务区域中并发地执行。
Like full virtualization, multiple different operating systems can be supported concurrently. 与完全虚拟化类似,超虚拟化技术可以同时支持多个不同的操作系统。
If different parts must run concurrently, use processes ( not threads) on UNIX-like systems. 如果不同的部分必须同时运行,那么在类UNIX系统中使用进程(不是线程)。
SSDs can perform operations concurrently; HDDs cannot. SSD可以并发执行操作;而HDD不可以。
Or it can perform some of its work concurrently with the application. 或者它可以与应用程序同时执行自己的一些工作。
A single unit of execution within a process; threads run concurrently. 进程的一个单独执行单位,线程可并发运行。
All agents execute concurrently unless you explicitly restrict them. 所有的代理都是并发执行的,除非您显式限制它们。
This was because the JIT already runs concurrently with executing ruby code. 这么做是因为JIT是和执行中的Ruby代码并发执行的。
Team formation and the education plan begin concurrently. 小组组成和教育计划同时开始。
Concurrently the national bourgeoisie and the proletariat were born in countries like China. 随着也就产生了中国这类国家的民族资产阶级和无产阶级。
Given that this effort occurred concurrently with the development and release of the. 鉴于这方面的努力发生的同时,与发展和释放的。
Prothrombin time and International Normalized Ratio should be carefully monitored in patients concurrently administered ISTODAX and Coumadin derivatives. 凝血酶原时间和国际标准化比值应仔细监测患者同时管理ISTODAX和香豆衍生物。
A processor can certainly execute two or more programs concurrently. 处理器当然能并发地执行两或更多的程序。
This LICENSE of SOFTWARE may not be shared or used concurrently on different computers. 此软件的许可不能共享或同时使用不同的计算机上。
Also, multiple versions of an application can be concurrently deployed allowing to change between different versions. 此外,现在可以同时部署一个应用的多个版本,并且可以在不同版本间变更。
Two subjects will be studied concurrently. 两个问题将同时加以研究。
Covers administrative operations that can be performed concurrently. 涵盖可以并发执行的管理操作。
One that occurs or exists concurrently with another. 伴随物与另一个同时发生或共存的事物。
When the package executes, the ActiveX script task and the send mail task run concurrently. 当包执行时,“activex脚本”任务和“发送邮件”任务会同时运行。