As to simple turbine, steam discards directly into atmosphere, or into condensator for cooling, then goes back to boiler for use. 冷却剂流经冷凝器不畅。在简单的涡轮机中,蒸汽被排入大气,或进入冷凝器冷凝成水后流回锅炉。
Application of modified graphite condensator in chloroacetic acid equipment and its technology analysis 改性石墨冷凝器在氯乙酸装置中的应用与技术分析
Application of evaporative condensator in PVC production Advantage of slurry catalyst applied in polyethylene Unipol process with condensation model 蒸发式冷凝器在聚氯乙烯生产过程中的应用浆液催化剂在聚乙烯冷凝模式下应用的优势
The flow sheet and operation in phthalic anhydride plant system after the adding partial condensator were introduced. 介绍了苯酐装置系统中增加部分冷凝器的流程,操作讨论了加部分凝冷器前后的经济效益。
The condensator greatly increases the sunlight power intensity on the heat collector, so as to improve the water temperature of the heater. 该聚光器显著增加了集热器上的日照的功率密度,从而提高了热水器的水温。
The condensation temperature and evaporation temperature are variational in condensator and evaporator using R22/ R142b non-azeotropic mixture refrigerant. R22/R142b非共沸混合制冷剂在冷凝器和蒸发器中其冷凝温度和蒸发温度是变化的。
It was showed that the plant system modification could prolong condensator life and enhance the yield of phthalic anhydride. 结果表明,装置系统改造能提高切换冷凝器的寿命,提高苯酐收率。
The influence of experiment equipment and filter process on TP leaching rate was studied. The result showed that filtering when solution was hot and using the equipment with condensator and N2 could benefit enhancing the rate of TP leaching. 研究了实验装置和过滤过程对茶多酚浸出的影响,结果表明,采用通入N2和装上冷凝管的装置以及趁热过滤能提高茶多酚浸出率。
Discussion on Adding Partial Condensator in Phthalic Anhydride Plant 苯酐装置采用部分冷凝器的探讨
In base of the summary of predecessor's progeny, the dissertation summarize available simulation algorithm on condensation-steam equipment, which including condensator, air pump, condensate pump, circle pump. 本文在总结前人成果的基础上,给出了适用于船用凝汽设备的实时仿真数学模型,主要包括冷凝器、抽气器、凝结水泵和循环水泵等。
This article is a part of experimental studies to structural performance of mounting structure that mounts the condensator of air cooling system in large-scale thermal power plants, which is in the environmental conditions and working conditions. 本文是对大型火力发电厂空气冷却设备空冷岛中冷凝器支架结构系统在环境与工作条件下的结构性能试验研究的一部分,研究其下部结构大尺寸钢筋混凝土管柱的抗震性能。
Integration of the Exothermic Coefficient of the Condensator in Automobile Air conditioners Performance of Carbon Dioxide Automobile Air Conditioners under Various Working Conditions 汽车空调中冷凝器冷凝放热系数的积分计算法二氧化碳汽车空调器变工况性能分析
Fuzzy Control System Design of Host Condensator 主冷凝器模糊控制系统设计
Study on the condensator of compact spinning and its yarn forming quality analysis 紧密纺集聚装置的研究及成纱质量分析
The Analysis of Welding Cracks of Low Temperature Separation-condensator of Natural Gas 天然气低温分离聚结器焊接裂纹分析
The influence factors of the determination results of CO 2 in the liquid oxygen were discussed, especially on sampling method, humidity temperature, velocity of flow, the sample tube ′ s material, sampling dosage, condensator absorb bottle ′ s number and vaporizing processes. 对液氧中二氧化碳含量测定结果的影响因素包括取样方法,环境温、湿度,取样时样品的流速,取样管材质,取样体积,冷凝管数量及吸收瓶数量等进行了讨论。
Causes Analysis of Perforation by Eroding in the Copper Tube Wall of Condensator and Air-drawer and the Countermeasures 冷凝器、抽气器铜管腐蚀穿孔的原因分析与解决办法
The study of the self-cleaning spiral's structure optimization in the vacuum condensator of power plant 电厂真空冷凝器污垢自动清洗螺旋纽带的结构优化研究
The experimental equipments include oven, condensator, and sensor of temperature, sensor of humidity, controller and interrelated electric equipments. Drying property of flaky agricultural material was experimented and researched. 进行研究的实验设备包括箱式干燥器烘箱、冷凝器、温度湿度传感器、控制器和相关的电气设备。