This panel also lets you add in gate conditions, which are not being used in this scenario since the conditionality involves target service and not message content. 该面板可以附加gate条件,而在该场景中未使用,因为该条件包含目标服务而无消息内容。
Third, the conditionality must be flexible – unanticipated shocks should not trigger fiscal adjustments in future. 第三,条件限制必须灵活,意料之外的冲击不应引发未来的财政调整。
Financial assistance must be based on strict conditionality and be given at interest rates that do not undermine the will to reform. 经济援助必须附带严格的条件,并且按照不会破坏改革意愿的利率水平来提供。
Such conditionality is perfectly understandable. But it must militate against the goals of the new programme. 这种条件性完全可以理解,却必然会妨碍新计划实现目标。
Germany remains staunchly opposed to this, as it would mean giving up the stick of conditionality and feeding Spain the funding carrot. 德国仍对此表示强烈反对,因为这将意味着放弃“限制条件”的大棒,向其注资相当于直接把胡萝卜喂给了西班牙。
There is no conditionality attached to the use of the member countries'SDR account. 会员国对特别提款权帐户的使用不附加条件。
Gate conditionality does not mitigate the adverse effect of gate review criteria. 关卡制约性不会减少关卡评价标准的反作用。
We have the same value plus half the upside, with no conditionality. 我们获得了相同价值,外加一半的上行机会,而且没有条件限制。
The incoming NEC chief said bank capital injections would come with greater conditionality. 即将出任国家经济委员会主任的萨默斯表示,向银行注资将附带更多条件。
Iceland could now negotiate an IMF programme with conditionality and lending from the fund. 冰岛现在可以与imf商议一个有限制性条件的计划,并从imf贷款。
The retrospective also draws lessons from experience for the design of conditionality and loan tranching and phasing. 该报告还总结了贷款条件及贷款分期分批设计方面的经验教训。
Some us analysts predict a radical reassessment of us aid flows to Pakistan, including tougher conditionality. 一些美国分析师预计,美国将对面向巴基斯坦的援助进行彻底的重新评估,援助条件将变得更加苛刻。
If the IMF is called to offer assistance to member countries out of the additional resources it has acquired, its conditionality for the eurozone needs to match these arguments. 如果需要imf从其获得的额外资源中拿出一部分向成员国提供援助,那么它对欧元区开出的条件就需要与这些主张相符。
Based on development, meaning and principle of recycling economical theory, the necessity and conditionality in the implement of recycle economy in China are analyzed, and policy is proposed to promote the development of recycle economy. 摘要本文从阐述循环经济理论的发展、内涵与原则入手,分析了循环经济在中国经济可持续发展中的必要性和存在的制约因素,探讨了推进循环经济发展的政策建议。
Such a plan would also benefit from much larger IMF financing, conditionality and surveillance. imf大幅加大金援、制约和监督力度,也会使这类计划受益。
Chinese conditionality on this front would achieve an outcome that several economists on the left and right have argued for on grounds of fairness, and also to address the fundamental problem in the housing market. 中国此举将取得左右翼经济学家基于公平原则均追求的结果,也将有助于解决房地产市场的根本问题。
Expresses conditionality or possibility. 表达制约性或者可能性。
The second part is: with tough conditionality for the eurozone itself. 答案的第二部分是:应为欧元区制定严厉的条件。
It may be hard to impose conditionality on countries such as Italy and Spain. 它或许很难对意大利和西班牙这样的国家施加限制条件。
Variety and conditionality of connections 联系的多样性和条件性
External help, in short, requires conditionality. 简言之,外部援助是有条件的。
For handling financial crises and conditionality of emergency lending, legitimacy is evidently a central issue. 而在处理金融危机、设定紧急贷款的限制条件方面,合法性显然是个核心问题。
There can be no new vehicles or funds specific to the eurozone. There must be full IMF conditionality. 专门为欧元区建立新的工具或基金是不可能的,必须完全在imf的条款下行动。
The treaty they propose would turn the planned European Stabilisation Mechanism – the permanent replacement for the € 440bn European financial stability facility – into an independent fund, granting aid to debt-strapped countries under strict conditionality, but also promoting growth. 它们提议的条约将把欧洲稳定机制永久性替代4400亿欧元的欧洲金融稳定安排变成一个独立基金,以严格的条件为债务深重的国家提供援助,同时推动增长。
One of the more controversial aspects of policy-based lending – conditionality – has also evolved since the1980s. 政策性贷款中较具争议的方面之一是条件限制,这在1980年代以来也发生了演变。
China's Non-Political Conditionality Aid Principle: Theory and Significance 论中国援外不附加政治条件原则的理论基础及现实意义
This is, the authors add, mostly because we consider the willingness of [ eurozone] creditors to continue providing further support to Greece, despite Greek non-compliance with programme conditionality, to have fallen substantially. 这主要是因为,该文章补充道,我们认为,即使希腊不遵从纾困方案的条件、(欧元区)债主们仍继续向希腊提供进一步支持的意愿已经大大下降。
The IMF must provide funding and conditionality, in combination with voluntary rollovers by private sector banks. 国际货币基金组织必须提供资金和条件限制,再加上私人银行自动於贷款期满后续期。
We will continue conditionality but we will streamline it and focus on fundamental principles. 我们将继续执行限制条件,但要对其进行精简,强调基本原则。