ADJ 有条件的;有前提的 If a situation or agreement is conditional on something, it will only happen or continue if this thing happens.
Their support is conditional on his proposals meeting their approval. 他们的支持是以他的提案得到他们的批准为条件的。
...a conditional offer. 有条件要约
...a conditional ceasefire. 有条件停火
(从句)条件的 In grammar, a conditional clause is a subordinate clause which refers to a situation which may exist or whose possible consequences you are considering. Most conditional clauses begin with 'if' or 'unless', for example 'If that happens, we'll be in big trouble' and 'You don't have to come unless you want to'.
Both giving conditionally and receiving cautiously erode relationships. 有条件的给予和谨慎的接受都会毁掉一段感情。
Predicate: Logical expression that modifies the control flow to conditionally trace the data. 断言(Predicate):修改控制流的逻辑表达式,可以有条件地跟踪数据。
Alternatively, you could use an XQuery if-then-else expression to conditionally update the home phone number or insert a new one if it doesn't exist yet. 另一种方法是,使用XQueryif-then-else表达式有条件地更新家庭电话号码,如果家庭电话号码不存在,就插入新的号码。
Scheduling of standard tasks automatically or conditionally 自动化的或有条件的标准任务调度
This is useful when the widget exposes some configuration parameters that directly affect the mark-up or if the mark-up must be conditionally produced depending on external preferences. 在小部件公开某些能直接影响此标记的配置参数时,或是这个标记必须要依照外部首选项而有条件地生成时,这一点将会很有用。
In order to load each file conditionally based on the country of the dispatch address, you need to add gate conditions. 为了根据分发地址所在的国家有条件地装载每个文件,需要添加gate条件。
As mentioned above, mediation policies can be loaded conditionally based on message content. 如前所述,可以根据消息内容有条件地装载中介策略。
These scope points allow for configuration of the mediation flow based conditionally on which service, endpoint, or operation is invoked. 这些范围点允许对中介流进行配置,将根据这些配置有条件地调用服务、端点或操作。
Using the techniques in this document, authors can compare and conditionally format values from different dimensional sources. 通过使用本文介绍的方法,报表作者就能够比较不同维度的数据源,并按条件地格式化显示其中的值。
In this way, you can have a single, simplified mediation flow, with mediation policies applied conditionally, rather than multiple flows or branches servicing the different targets. 通过这种方式,就得到了单一、简化的中介流,其中的中介策略可根据情况具体应用;而不是根据不同的目标划分为多个流或分支。
This, in brief, is what the Futurist says: for a century, past conditions of life have been conditionally speeding up, till now we live in a world of noise and violence and speed. 简而言之,未来派诗人宣称:一个世纪以来,过去的生活状况一直在有条件地发生急剧变化,结果到了现在我们生活在一个充斥着喧嚣、暴力和快节奏的世界之中。
Like nearly all the Chinese students at Delaware, Mr. Fan was conditionally admitted that is, he can begin taking university classes once he successfully completes an English program. 和特拉华大学的几乎所有中国学生一样,范逸苏是被有条件录取的就是说,他得顺利念完一个英语项目,才可以开始修读大学课程。
Feel free to contribute to the effort by coding what you think is the right solution and I'll add an ExcelCompliant flag to the function to conditionally invoke your code. 你可以自由地编写你认为正确的解答并自由地提交上来,我将添加一个ExcelCompliant标记来让你有条件地调用你的代码。
Pilot Bernanke has changed planes from a fixed wing to a rotor-based helicopter by conditionally freezing policy rates for at least the next two years. 飞行员伯南克已将自己驾驶的飞机,从固定翼机型、换成了旋翼的直升机&至少在未来两年内,有条件地冻结了政策利率。
Controls tags provide the ability to manipulate collections and conditionally produce content. 控制标签提供操纵集合以及有条件的生成内容的功能。
In a CIF contract title to the goods is conditionally transferred to the buyer on delivery of the bill of lading. 在CIF契约中,货物的产权于交付提单时有条件地转移给买方了。
Intestine health and metabolism of conditionally essential amino acids 条件必需氨基酸营养代谢与肠道健康
Because have a cause, what is what you just can know you need truly explicitly, because need, you just can discover that opportunity, because try hard, you just may grasp that opportunity conditionally. 因为有目标,你才会明确地知道你真正需要的是什么,因为需要,你才会发现那个机会,又因为努力,你才可能有条件去把握住那个机会。
In addition, a screen or control can define local state ( using variables) and use control structures to iterate over collections and conditionally show parts of the user interface. 此外,屏幕或者控件也能够定义本地状态(使用变量),并使用控件结构来对集合进行迭代,从而根据条件显示用户界面的各个部分。
This is usually caused when members of a type are conditionally defined, but the conditions are not the same for all CPP files that use the type. 如果根据条件定义了类型的成员,而这些条件对使用该类型的所有cpp文件并不相同,通常会导致此问题。
Supervision of foreign offenders who have been conditionally sentenced or conditionally released 对有条件判刑或有条件释放的外国罪犯的监督
He accepted the offer conditionally. As what is concluded from the above that it is practicable to design the digital intermediate frequency receiver with wide band at present. 他有条件地接受了提议。由此可见,在现有条件下实现宽带数字中频接收机是可行的。
Fields between a conditionally filtered field and its filter context cannot be conditionally filtered. 在条件筛选字段及其筛选内容之间的字段不能被条件筛选。
In2000, the Food and Drug Administration conditionally approved one such device, but required further study before allowing it into general use. 2000年,FDA有条件地同意批准了这种设备,但要求在广泛应用之前,做更进一步的研究。
Influence of completely conditionally permutable subgroups on the structure of finite groups 完全条件置换子群对有限群结构的影响
Unable to build custom action named '% 1' because it uses a conditionally installed file. 无法创建名为%1的自定义操作,因为它使用着一个按条件安装的文件。
A Strong Limit Theorem for Conditionally Independent Random Variables Sequence Controlled by a Finite Nonhomogeneous Markov Chain 一类被有限非齐次马氏链控制的条件独立的随机变量序列的强极限定理
Love your parents un conditionally! 无条件地热爱你的父母!
Finally, you will learn how you can validate user input conditionally, depending on choices that the user makes in a page. 最后,您将学习如何根据用户在页上所做的选择有条件地验证用户输入。
So hopefully, there's an opportunity for actually looping and, ultimately, than doing things conditionally. 所以我就希望,最终有这样一个循环,而不是我重复做这件工作。