The structure and properties of water in the novel reverse microemulsion system were investigated by means of 1H NMR, FT-IR, electrical conductometry and laser light scattering apparatus. 采用1HNMR,FT-IR,电导法及激光粒度散射法研究了新型微乳液中水的结构及相特性。
Dual Detector with Fluorescence/ Contactless Conductometry for Capillary Electrophoresis 毛细管电泳-荧光/非接触电导组合型检测器的研制
Determination of hydrogen chloride desorption rate by liquid-phase conductometry 液相电导法测定氯化氢脱析速率
Their properties have been studied with conductometry, thermal analysis and absorption spectro-scopy. 通过电导、热谱、吸收光谱的测试,对它们的性质进行了研究。
The conductometry indicates sodium hydrogen tartrate, ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid disodium salt, calcium lactate and silver sulfide nanoparticles represent strong electrolyte behavior in dilute solution. 电导率测定表明酒石酸氢2扬州大学硕士论文钠、已二酸四乙酸二钠和乳酸钙纳米微粒在稀溶液中具有强电解质的行为。
Determination of Free Silicon and Free Aluminum in Ultrafine Ceramic Powder by Hydrogen Evolution-Thermal Conductometry 用逸氢热导法测定超细陶瓷粉中游离硅和游离铝
Study on the Stability of Reverse Microemulsion Polymerization System of Acrylamide by Conductometry 电导法研究丙烯酰胺反相微乳液聚合体系的稳定性