Their suggestion is that confabulation often doesn't involve memory at all. 他们认为虚构症在大多数情况下与回忆并没有什么关系。
In the restaurant, we met us hereafter the confabulation object for7 days. 在餐厅里,我们遇到了我们往后7天的交谈对象。
But the psychological mechanisms and neural basis of confabulation are not understood yet. 但是虚构的神经基础和心理学机制目前仍不十分明了。
Confabulation has been defined as "falsification of memory occurring in clear consciousness in association with an organically derived amnesia" or as "spontaneous narrative reports of events that never happened". 它是指自发地叙述一些从未发生的事件或器质性遗忘症患者在清醒意识下产生的记忆伪造。
Confabulation is an important type of false memory. 虚构是虚假记忆的重要类型之一。
Development of Researches on Confabulation 虚构的研究进展
The first stage is interviews and investigation, which means to get familiar with the basic factors and those main negative factors at female cadres who are engaged in administrative jobs according to a half-constructed and face-to-face confabulation method. 第一阶段是访谈与调查,通过半结构化、面对面的交谈方式,了解从事行政领导工作的女干部应具备哪些基本能力和影响女干部行政领导能力的负面因素主要有哪些。