n. 供词; 供状; 认罪; 供认; 坦白; (对使自己羞愧或尴尬的事的)表白,承认; (向神父作的)告罪; 告解 confession的复数
N-COUNT 供状;供词 A confession is a signed statement by someone in which they admit that they have committed a particular crime.
They forced him to sign a confession. 他们强迫他在一份供词上签名。
N-VAR (对使自己羞愧或尴尬之事的)承认,坦白 Confession is the act of admitting that you have done something that you are ashamed of or embarrassed about.
The diaries are a mixture of confession and observation... 这些日记既有自白,也有评论。
I have a confession to make. 我有件事要坦白。
N-VAR 声明;告白;表白 If you make a confession of your beliefs or feelings, you publicly tell people that this is what you believe or feel.
...Tatyana's confession of love. 塔季扬娜爱的告白
N-VAR (天主教会等的)忏悔,告解,办神工 In the Catholic church and in some other churches, if you go to confession, you privately tell a priest about your sins and ask for forgiveness.
He never went to Father Porter for confession again. 他再也没有向波特神甫作过告解。
The confessions were obtained by what amounts to torture. 这些供状是用近乎逼供的方式得来的。
Some magistrates have abused their powers of arrest to extort confessions. 有些地方执法官滥用逮捕权进行逼供。
Uncorroborated confessions should no longer be accepted by courts. 没有证据证实的供词不应再被法庭采用。
Neither trickery nor coercion is used to secure confessions. 既不诱供也不逼供。
It is strictly forbidden to obtain confessions and to give them credence. 严禁逼供信。
Confessions made to him are never blabbed. 向他坦白的话决不会泄漏出去。
Another major cause of wrongful convictions is false confessions. 另一项主要的误判原因就是假供。
Another issue is whether prosecutors will be able to use confessions or other information obtained during controversial interrogation techniques. 另外一个问题是,检察官可否使用通过有争议的方法取得的嫌疑人的供词或其它资料。
What if we end up hearing their confessions? 偷听了她们告解怎么办?
But the ones I've marked up cannot circulate: they have become my journals, my confessions. 但那些做过评注的书就不能流传出去了,它们已经成了我的日志,我的自白书。
Lacking the means to conduct proper investigations, the police often make do with signed confessions after brutal interrogations. 由于缺乏适当的查案方式,尼日利亚的警察通常对嫌疑人进行残忍的审讯后就拿着模棱两可的招供去交差。
The document just states that illegal detentions and the extortion of confessions through torture are forbidden. 这份文件只是声明,禁止非法拘禁和刑讯逼供。
You will rewrite your confessions from the beginning! 你要重写你的供词!从头写!
Tolstoy's Confession is one of the three famous Confessions. 列夫·托尔斯泰的《忏悔录》是世界三大著名的《忏悔录》之一。
The priest will hear confessions in English and French. 这位神父可听取用英语和法语的告解。
Confessions of a Shopaholic. 一个购物狂的自白。
His lawyer is contesting the confessions. 他的律师正在为他的告白辩解。
In my violence, in my turbulence, through my fear, and my confessions. 在我遭受暴力的时候,在我动荡不安的时候,穿越我的恐惧和自白。
Were I to write my confessions, I would have to admit to buying books for purely aesthetic reasons. 如果说我要写下我的忏悔的话,我将不得不承认买下那些书纯粹是出于美观的原因。
Do you stay for her confessions of love, because you don't want to hurt her? 因为你不想伤害她,你留下了等她的爱情自白吗?
Based on his earlier confessions, the court expects him to plead guilty, a court official said. 根据他之前的供述,法院预计他会服罪,一名法院官员说。
Notice how the very confessions you thought would humiliate you actually boost your confidence. 注意到那些你原本认为是会给你带来羞辱的坦白实际上在如何提高你的自信。
Many of the doctors and nurses say they were tortured into making confessions. 许多医生和护士声称他们被屈打成招。
The First Book alone adds: and the same form of absolution shall be used in all private confessions. “第一本书,仅补充说:”和同样形式的赦免,应全部采用私人自白书。
The confessions may be the next thing to be challenged. 这些招供可能是下一个被质疑的。
The new standards also stipulate that procuratorates do not use evidence collected from forced confessions, torture or violence. 新标准规定司法不采用采至刑讯逼供、拷打或暴力而得的证据。
There was only one possible conclusion: the confessions were lies. 可能的结论只有一个:他们的坦白准是些谎言。
I am a priest, and confessions die in my breast. 我是一个教士,人们的忏悔永远只藏在我的心里。
You believed that you had seen unmistakable documentary evidence proving that their confessions were false. 你以为你看到过无可置疑的物证,可以证明他们的口供是假的。
But the truth is, not all confessions are worthy of such forgiveness. 但事实上,不是所有的忏悔都值得被原谅。