The remainder of the information within the zone file then configures the specific DNS records. 然后该区域文件中的其余信息配置特定的DNS记录。
Platform management installs, maintains, and configures applications and services on the client. 平台管理负责在客户机上安装、维护和配置应用程序和服务。
Then it creates a Control and configures its size, location, color, and layout. 然后,创建一个Control,并配置其尺寸、位置、颜色和布局。
Selects and configures the encoding and delivery technique that will be used. 选择并配置将要使用的编码和交付技术。
The IT Administrator configures the IT infrastructure that supports the software solution. IT管理员对支持软件解决方案的IT基础结构进行配置。
You can create this database later in the section that configures CEI. 您可以在下文配置CEI部分中创建此数据库。
Provide the NIS server name so that it configures the NIS client corresponding to the NIS server. 提供NIS服务器名称,使其将NIS客户机配置为与该NIS服务器对应。
Configures the suffix under which the AIX users and the groups will be stored. 配置其下将存储的AIX用户和组的后缀。
Each block in~/. ssh/ config configures one or more hosts. ssh/config中的每个块配置一个或多个主机。
The constructor creates a hierarchy object with the default level DEBUG and then configures it using the provided properties. 构造函数使用默认的DEBUG级别创建一个hierarchy对象,然后使用提供的属性对其进行配置。
Registration configures the system to recognize the Informix ODBC driver. 注册会配置系统,让系统能够识别InformixODBC驱动程序。
It also configures data store and transaction manager. 它还配置了数据库和事务管理器。
The database security administrator configures the LBAC system by creating security policies. 数据库安全管理员通过创建安全策略来配置LBAC系统。
This section creates, configures, and administers WPARs, both system and application. 此部分讨论如何创建、配置和管理WPAR(系统WPAR和应用程序WPAR)。
This merges and then configures the file using the properties for re-arranging packages and removes older SQL. 这会使用重新排列数据包和删除旧SQL的属性合并和配置文件。
It initiates the necessary VM deployments and configures the middleware and application. 它启动了必要的VM部署,并配置了中间件和应用程序。
Also included is a script that installs the application and configures the resources. 另外本文还提供了安装应用程序和配置资源的脚本。
IBM Tivoli Configuration Manager configures software applications as well as the deployment environment. IBMTivoliConfigurationManager对软件应用程序和部署环境进行配置。
Configures hard disk drives and volumes. The service only runs for configuration processes and then stops. 配置硬盘驱动器和卷。此服务只为配置处理运行,然后终止。
Configure Your Server installs and configures the services for the type of server you select. 配置您的服务器用您选择的服务器类别安装并配置服务。
Adds, removes, and configures local and network printers and fax printers. 添加,删除和配置本地及网络打印机及传真打印机。
This element configures channel templates or declares new channels for use with the specified application. 此元素配置信道模板,或声明与指定的应用程序一起使用的新信道。
The next line configures the email adapter. 下一行配置了电子邮件适配器。
Shows and configures the options in the call rules shape. 显示和配置调用规则形状中的选项。
Displays graphs of system performance and configures data logs and alerts. 显示系统性能图表以及配置数据日志和警报。
Views, downloads, and configures system and third-party logs. 查看、下载和配置系统和第三方日志。
Once the local PC wakes up, it starts up the network card and configures itself. 一旦本地的PC唤醒,它就启动网卡和进行配置。
The server then culls policy information from the directory and dynamically configures the network based on the defined policies. 然后,此服务器从目录中挑选出政策信息,按照规定的政策动态配置网络。
Configures performance logs and alerts. 配置性能日志和警报。
Configures domain, network, and administrative settings on the server. 配置服务器上的网域、网络和系统管理设置。