Cool heads and a sense of proportion can yet stop a global trade conflagration catching hold. 冷静的头脑,加上一些分寸感,也许还是能够阻止一场全球贸易战的爆发。
Many people were burnt alive in the conflagration that happened in a multi-storeyed building. 在一幢多层大厦内发生的大火中,很多人被活活烧死。
Towards evening the conflagration was got under. 将近黄昏时,火势被控制住了。
A regional conflagration cannot be ruled out. 爆发地区性的战火的可能性是不能被排除的。
That conflagration is not a natural disaster but a. 那大火不是天灾而是人祸。
Recently, liquidity buffers have been quickly run down, without ending the conflagration. 近来,流动性缓冲已迅速耗尽,火灾却没有被扑灭。
This, he noted, would temper the risk of an apocalyptic conflagration of diseases. 他强调指出,这种举措将缓解疾病带来的重大天灾风险。
In a big country like China, hundreds of thousands of conflagration cases happens each year, which cause huge losses in terms of life and wealth. 在中国这样的大国里,每年发生的火灾数不胜数,造成了巨大的生命和财产损失。
For most, the disappearance of the "evil empire" was an unqualified blessing, reducing the dangers of the world ending in a nuclear conflagration and offering the lure of a peace dividend. 对大部分人来说,“邪恶帝国”的消失是绝对的福音,它降低了世界毁在一场疯狂核战的风险,并带来了和平红利。
His seaside villa outside Athens was spared, but the conflagration prompted the Greek prime minister to promise stricter measures to stop developers from building on land cleared by fires; 他在雅典郊外的海边别墅幸免于难,但是那场火灾促使这位希腊总理承诺采取更严厉的措施,禁止房地产商在被火烧出来的空地上建房;
It should be used as the detector of choice in areas of high risk with heat at an early stage of the conflagration and with increased likelihood of unwanted alarms. 它应该被用来作为热探测器的选择,在高风险领域处于早期阶段的火灾和报警的可能性增加不必要的。
Simultaneously with the earthquake came the conflagration. 在地震的同时还发生了大火。
The fire brigade soon got the conflagration under control. 消防队很快就把火控制住了。
The understanding that small but violent acts can spark global conflagration is etched into the world's consciousness. 从此整个世界都深刻意识到某些看似不起眼的暴力行为能够引燃全球战火。
Obviously the3 days between the earthquake and the end of the conflagration did not allow for adequate inspections. 显然,从地震开始至火灾熄灭为止的三天内,不允许进行充分的调查。
It is just these intense conflicts and their conflagration which are needed to produce valuable and lasting results. 要获得有益而持久的心理安全与平静,需要这种的强烈冲突暴发。
Fireman: Never has a spark been allowed to exist to develop into a conflagration. 消防队员:我们不让星星之火变成一场火灾。
A conflagration threatens an explosion in the region that could affect the rest of the world. 一场大范围的冲突可能引爆整个地区,进而殃及世界其他国家。
An raging and rapidly spreading conflagration. 来势汹汹且快速蔓延的火灾。
The focal point to bound the conception of public security disaster accident is that whether or not it includes conflagration, explosion, and poison which are made by criminals on purpose. 治安灾害事故是否包括犯罪分子故意制造的火灾、爆炸、投毒等灾祸,一直是界定这个概念的焦点。
Thus a conflagration that begins in Iran could soon spread, taking in Israel, Lebanon and Syria and moving eastwards to the next country in this new crescent of conflict, Iraq. 如此一来,起于伊朗的战火可能会迅速蔓延,烧至以色列、黎巴嫩、叙利亚,乃至向东蔓延至这一新冲突弧线上的下一个国家&伊拉克。
To destroy one's estate it needs a conflagration; to rob him of his peace a mosquito is enough. 要毁坏一个人的不动产需要一场火灾,要破坏一个人的宁静,只要一只蚊子就够了。
Some commentators of a more pessimistic outlook, meanwhile, expect to see scientific progress overcome by nuclear conflagration. 而有些拥有较为悲观态度的评论者预测核战争将战胜人类科学进步。
Simple Talking about Prevention of Conflagration Accident on Freeway and Emergent Rescue 浅谈高速公路隧道火灾事故预防和应急救援
That was before the collapse of Lehman Brothers and the subsequent financial conflagration that swept the world in the fall of2008. 那是在2008年倒闭,雷曼兄弟和随后的金融大火那年秋天席卷全球的研究。
It is akin to allowing occasional small forest fires to clear the brushwood, rather than extinguishing them and risking a huge conflagration. 这类似于让偶然爆发的小规模森林火灾烧掉那些低矮的灌木丛,而不是将其扑灭,并甘冒酿成大火的风险。
For example, the lightning-flash which has set a house on fire would be considered the ground of the conflagration; 例如,走电使得一所房子失火,我们就把走电认作是燃烧的根据。
Several critical problems concerning the severe conflagration of 11 · 3 in Hengyang 关于湖南衡阳11·3特大火灾坍塌事故几个重要问题的研究
Credit default swaps are the rocket fuel that turned the subprime mortgage fire into a conflagration. 信用违约互换(cds)是一种火箭燃料,它把次贷之火变成了一场滔天大火。
Cried Catherine, sucking her damaged lip, and watching the conflagration with indignant eyes. 凯瑟琳叫着,吮着她那受伤的嘴唇,用愤怒的眼睛瞅着这场火灾。