康茄舞;康茄舞乐曲 a fast dance in which the dancers follow a leader in a long winding line, with each person holding on to the person in front; a piece of music for this dance
康茄鼓(狭长形,用手击打) a tall narrow drum that you play with your hands
A line of people in single file performing the conga dance. 排成一列跳康茄舞的一群人。
But if you imagined an annual state of the world report, the audience would be dancing the conga in the aisles. 但如果你编撰一份年度世界形势报告,读者们会兴奋地手舞足蹈起来。
The Yangko was danced without any specific partner, either in a circle or in a kind of conga line which primary-school boys and girls often formed on the street as they came home from school. 扭秧歌无需特定的舞伴,只要绕着圈,或是组成类似康茄舞的队形就可以扭起来。小学生们放学后,也常常一路扭着秧歌回家。
It's called la conga which is one of the most popular dances in South america. 这叫做康茄舞,这种舞是在南美洲最流行的一种。
The dancers form a long conga line, wearing masks and hats, zigzagging throughout the room. 大家会戴上面具和礼帽,排成一条长龙,在屋子里绕来绕去。
Their colourful fans celebrated by forming a giant conga behind one of the goals. 五彩缤纷的球迷在一个进球之后组成了巨大的舞蹈阵型。