In this paper the application of congelation method is presented in the construction of foundation engineering of highway bridge on the basis of basic theory of the congelation method. 作者根据近年对超限运输桥梁及大中型桥梁的加固实践经验,介绍了公路旧桥各组成部分的加固方法和施工措施。
Congelation Risk Assessment and Maximum Allowable Time of Shutdown Research for Heated Crude Oil Pipelines 热油管道凝管风险评价与安全停输时间研究
By cutting the slurry's gel structure vertically with a thin knife moving horizontally, a new method to measure slurry's gel strength in the course of congelation and its growing is presented; 用薄刀片水平运动垂直切割水泥浆胶凝结构,以测量水泥浆在凝结过程中的胶凝强度及其发展变化的新方法。
Through calculating and analyzing congelation, frost heave and temperature field for the bank protected the pipeline, it considers that the pipeline in the submerged area would not be destroyed by frost heave, but the temperature loss is considerable along the pipeline. 通过冰冻期管堤冻结、冻胀和温度场的计算分析,认为受淹区冬季不会出现管道的冻胀破坏,但管道温度散失严重。
Construction Experience of Main Well Topsoil Layer Congelation in Zhangbei Coal Mine 张北煤矿主井表土层冻结施工技术经验
With the increase of the number of incubated enterprises, the high-tech business incubator can create more job opportunities, provide more projects of high-tech industry, and making use of the human resource congelation effect, even attract overseas investment. 随着孵化毕业企业的增多,科技创业孵化器不仅能创造大量就业机会,也能为本地区的高新技术产业提供项目源,并能发挥人才聚集效应,吸引外来投资等。
The Common Law Tradition is the congelation of Llewellyn's learning career. 《普通法传统》是卢埃林三十多年学术生涯的凝结。
Conclusion Garlicin is a satisfactory drug for treating congelation, its major roles are carried out by raising body immunity, stabilizing structure of cell membrane, preventing formation of thrombus, improving microcirculation and counteracting infection. 结论大蒜油为良好的治疗冻伤药物,其主要作用在于提高机体免疫力、稳定细胞膜结构、防止血栓形成和改善微循环、抗感染等方面。
The Research of the Deep Glue the Soil Layer Congelation Tube Split should Dint and Position 深厚粘土层冻结管断裂应力及位置的研究
That the basic pathogenesis is the congelation of heat with phlegm which leads to disturbance in ascending and descending of the functional activities of qi; 基本病机为痰热互结,气机升降失调;
The low rate of success is due to congelation, non-shortened disjunction or mecism of disjunction time. 而冻伤断离时间过长.不缩短断离面再植成功率低。
Study on Law of Congelation and Frost Expanding of Base Soil of Lined Channels with Arbitrary Slope and Slope Direction 任意坡向、坡度的衬砌渠道基土冻结和冻胀规律的研究
After congelation, cement mantle is one kind of dryness stuff with such shortcomings as microscopic bubble, microcrack in nature which strengthens with the increase of strain force and the rate of strain. 硬化后的水泥环则是一个先天带有微气泡、微裂缝、微裂纹等缺陷的硬脆性材料,这些缺陷随应变率和应变力水平的增加而发展。
The Application of Transducer Plan for Congelation Pump in 600 MW Steamer Sets 变频一拖二方案在600MW汽轮机组凝结水泵上的应用
Study to the Forced Actuating Bus Intelligent Temperature-Measuring System Used for the Construction on Congelation 冻结施工中强力驱动型总线式智能测温系统的研究
METHODS the K-B manner and MIC are used to obtain drug-fast spectrum and the alkaline lysis is to extract small quantity of plasmid is got from cataphoresis of 0.7% agarose congelation. 方法耐药谱选用K&B法和MIC、AlkalineLysis小量快速提取质粒,0.7%琼脂糖凝胶电泳获得质粒DNA图谱。
Frozen food craft is the important development of the food processing craft; It differs from the general congelation and refrigerates method. 速冻食品是食品加工工艺的重要发展,它不同于一般的冻结和冷藏方法。
Prevention of the third phase formation during coal ash pulp extraction by silicon acid congelation method 用硅酸聚沉法防止煤灰矿浆萃取过程中三相物生成
Meanwhile, a test power optimization algorithm based on scan chain reconfiguration and clock congelation is discussed. 另外,在分析测试功耗产生原因的基础上,本文探讨了一种基于扫描变换和时钟禁止的低功耗测试方法。