New England Congregationalists settled alongside Scottish Presbyterians and Dutch Reformed migrants from New York. 新英格兰的公理一起解决苏格兰长老和荷兰改革移民从纽约。
Some groups such as the Methodists and Episcopalians have a rather strong central organization; within other groups such as the congregationalists, each individual church is relatively independent. 有些团体如卫理公会和圣公会,都有比较强有力的中央组织。在公理会等其他教内部,各个单独的会所都是相对独立的。
Within other groups such as the Congregationalists, each individual church is relatively independent. 在公理会等其他教内部,各个单独的会所都是相对独立的。
The British Presbyterian, Congregationalists and the Baptist achieves joint and becomes Nonconformists. 在英国,长老会、公理会和浸信会凭借这份《信条》实现了联合,成为不信英国国教的一派。