Marco Polo& one of history's greatest explorers, may in fact have been a conman, it was claimed Monday. 周一有消息称,世界上最伟大的探险家之一&马可波罗实际上或许是个骗子。
Conman or master of the deal, where does he go from here? 是骗子还是大师,他从此走向何方?
Chengdu female college students like the content of aerobics is Latin aerobics, Conman calisthenics and Aerobics in turn, which select Latin aerobics at the most. 成都市女大学生喜欢的健美操内容依次是拉丁健美操、大众健美操和有氧健美操,其中,选择拉丁健美操的比例最高。