Then with the core strategy: Connectin Reuse, a reasonable and efficient database connection pool was built, avoiding the freewheeling and ruless use of connections. 在对数据库连接进行透彻分析的基础上,设计并实现了一个数据库连接池,达到了合理、有效地管理连接的目标,避免了对于连接随意、无规则的使用。
This paper introduces calculation of bolt connectin supported by eccentric sheal force on the basis of ultimate strength and compares ultimate strength method with elastic method. 介绍了按极限强度法计算承受偏心剪力的普通螺栓连接计算方法,通过算例比较了按极限强度法和按目前工程设计中常用的弹性法计算的差别。
It suggests to develop family education and the connectin between doctors and patients and their families is significant to improve patients'compliance. 说明在维持治疗中开展家庭教育及增进医生与病人、家属的紧密配合等措施是提高依从性的重要途径。
As a connectin in apoptosis signal, FADD plays an important role in genesis and development of malignant tumours. This article is a review about relationship between FADD and malignant tumours. FADD作为凋亡信号的连接蛋白,在恶性肿瘤的发生、发展过程中起着重要的作用,现就FADD与恶性肿瘤的关系进行综述。