Such compositions need to be designed, implemented, and deployed on a middleware layer to facilitate seamless connectivity. 这样的组合需要在某个中间件层上进行设计、实现和部署,以促进无缝连接。
What kind of network connectivity and protocols are used in the production environment? 生产环境中使用哪种类型的网络连通性和协议?
Connectivity, maxima and minima, and other graph and matrix concepts are explained here. 连通性、最大通路和最小通路以及其他图和矩阵的概念在本章中都进行了介绍。
Technology adapters provide connectivity to systems using specific technologies or protocols, such as JDBC, EJB and JMS. 技术适配器提供了到使用特定技术或协议(如JDBC、EJB和JMS)的系统的连接。
This is why you can run the application without connectivity to the Internet. 这就是您不需要连接到因特网就可以运行该应用程序的原因。
Connectivity: Connecting Web services and existing systems through standard protocols, adapters, and buses. 连接:通过标准协议、适配器和总线连接Web服务和现有系统。
In a traditional deployment, these servers are logically isolated from each other by routers and firewalls that limit the network connectivity and access to the servers. 在传统部署中,这些服务器在逻辑上由路由器和防火墙彼此隔离,限制了网络连接和对服务器的访问。
Two major concerns are security and Internet connectivity. 两个主要问题是安全性和Internet连接。
Similarly, WESB and WMB V7 can both be used as the connectivity provider server. 类似地,WESB和WMBV7都可以用作连通性提供方服务器。
Consider using an ESB for transformation and connectivity. 考虑对转换和连接性使用ESB。
Failover can also be used to maintain network application connectivity. 故障转移也可以用于维护网络应用程序的连通性。
WebSphere MQ provides a foundation for SOA by providing a connectivity layer and reliable integration for applications. WebsphereMQ提供了连接层和应用程序的可靠集成,为SOA提供了所需的基础。
Sometimes it is difficult to distinguish between application and business logic and connectivity and integration logic. 有时很难在应用程序和业务逻辑与连接和集成逻辑之间进行区分。
A domain consists of a registry and zero or more connectivity providers. 域由一个注册表和零个或更多连通性提供方组成。
Messaging middleware provides reliable and flexible connectivity services in the context of a business integration solution. 消息传递中间件提供了业务集成解决方案上下文中可靠灵活的连接服务。
You can see how the ESB provides service virtualization and aspect-oriented connectivity. 您可以看到ESB如何提供服务虚拟化和面向方面的连接。
Ability to store and access information in a Derby database through a Web application without network connectivity. 这样可以通过Web应用程序存储和访问Derby数据库中的信息,而不要求网络连通性。
The diagram in Figure 3 shows a high-level view of the connectivity and hardware requirements for this event. 图3中的图表显示这次活动的连通性和硬件需求的高级视图。
A connectivity provider represents an ESB which groups of services can be proxied in. 连通性提供方代表一个ESB,其中代理了很多组服务。
You use either WESB or WMB or both as a connectivity provider. 您可以使用WESB和/或WMB作为连通性提供方。
Increases data and content connectivity and interoperability with greater cost efficiency. 使用更大的成本效益来提高数据和内容连接性和互用性。
We live in an age of information, mobility and connectivity. 我们生活在一个信息、移动和互联的时代。
Connectivity files on your system need to be updated but one or more files are in use. 需要更新系统中的连接性文件,但其中一个或多个文件正在使用中。
Site Analysis Ecological Integration and Connectivity. 场地的生态整合和联系。
They are Java Database Connectivity ( JDBC) and J/ SQL. 它们是Java数据库连接(JDBC)和J/SQL。
This will give you totally hands free wireless connectivity to the net and phone services. 这会给你手中完全免费的无线网络和电话服务连通。
It means investing in connectivity while gathering data and sharing information. 它意味着收集数据和分享信息的同时对连通性进行投入。在新的世界经济中,好的数据和信息的重要性不亚于资金援助。
Quality, Design, Connectivity and Simplicity. 品质、设计、情感共鸣和简约。
This generates connectivity and encourages continuity in communication. 这会产生连通性和促进交流的连续性。
Perform common networking and connectivity tests. 执行常见的联网和连接测试。