As a benchmark we've chosen a multi-process ( we use term "process" because it use fork()) application which does nothing but consecutively calculate the Fibonacci numbers with different seed values. 我们选择了一个多进程(之所以使用术语“进程”,是因为它使用了fork())应用程序作为基准,它不做任何事情,只是连续不断地使用不同的种子数值计算Fibonacci数字。
There are a number of consecutively numbered rules, called normal forms that define normalized data in considerable detail. 有一些按照连续编号排列的规则(也叫范式(form))可以用来很详细地定义规范化数据。
There's no requirement to specify the function prototype, and consecutively, no header file is required. 不需要指定函数原型,也不需要头文件。
Trace point numbers appear consecutively in a chronologically formatted output file. 跟踪点号按照年月顺序出现在格式化的输出文件中。
Perform the following steps on all three servers consecutively. 在这三个服务器上顺序执行以下步骤。
The% prep,% build, and% install sections are next, consecutively. 接下来依次是%prep、%build和%install节。
The tickets are numbered consecutively. 票是连续编号的。
In addition, because new objects that are allocated consecutively are stored contiguously in the managed heap, an application can access the objects very quickly. 另外,由于连续分配的新对象在托管堆中是连续存储,所以应用程序可以快速访问这些对象。
Using a tour-position selector switch on the control box, each gunner can fire up to four missiles consecutively. 使用在控制盒子上的一个循环-位置选择开关,每个炮手能连续地发射四枚导弹。
"One caption said:" A few days ago, domestic online military forums consecutively published photographs of the Varyag aircraft carrier being reconstructed at China's Dalian shipyard. 一篇说明称:“数天之前,国内网络上的军事论坛连续发布了在中国大连造船厂开工的“瓦良格号”航空母舰的照片。
The card may be retained by the ATM if the PIN is incorrectly keyed in for SIX TIMES consecutively. 如连续六次按入错误密码,卡会被自动柜员机没收。
If the PIN is consecutively input in a wrong way, the electronic seal will refuse the visit. 如果连续输入错误的PIN码一定次数后,将不能够再访问电子印章。
The process of numbering consecutively the leaves of a book or manuscript. 编张数号给一本书或一本手稿标出连续页码的过程。
Tangerines and waxberries consecutively can be found. 芦橘杨梅次第新。
The characters Huang and Di had been used separately and never consecutively ( see Three August Ones and Five Emperors). 字符和黄迪已经分开使用,并没有连续(见三八月一,五皇)。
The housings are numbered consecutively by cylinder. 壳体按照气缸而依次编号。
In any game, the right to serve shall pass consecutively. 在一局中,正确的发球顺序应该是。
Mark the cases. and number consecutively. 每箱均须标印唛头。,同时加上连续编号。
Although program requirements are shown in four semesters they do not have to be taken consecutively. 虽然是四个学期的课程,但并不要求学生连续修完。
If there are several claims, they shall be numbered consecutively in Arabic numerals. 权利要求书有几项权利要求的,应当用阿拉伯数字顺序编号。
Estanguet won gold in the2000 and2004 Olympic Games consecutively and aims to win his third one in Beijing. 埃斯坦盖在2000年与2004年奥运会获得金牌,他的目的是在北京获得第三块金牌。
Enumeration of Repeated Permutations in which No Element May Repeated Three Times Consecutively; variable occurrence data item 若干元不许自身3个相连的重复n排列的计数可变重复次数数据项
China is the largest egg producer and consumer in the world, and keeps the first for20 years consecutively. 我国是世界上最大的蛋品生产国和消费国,连续20多年保持世界第一产蛋大国的地位。
Our products have consecutively won API certification and DNV ISO9001 quality-system certification. 我们的产品先后荣膺API认证、挪威船级社ISO9001质量体系认证等专业资质。
Then he experienced blessing power filled his body and simultaneously he saw in his mind branching lightning, and this occurred consecutively for three times. 接著他经历了加持的力量充溢全身,并且同时看到他脑海里出现了分枝似的闪电光,而这情况连续地有三回。
The weft length can be precisely adjusted by changing the diameter of weft storage drum ( adjustable consecutively) and changing the release turns, thus the waste of weft can be avoided. 只需简单调节储纬鼓的直径(连续可调)和改变释放圈数,可精确调节纬纱的长度,从而避免了纬纱不必要的浪费。
All boxes are to be marked as usual, but please number them consecutively from no. 11. 所有箱子都像往常一样标示唛头,但务请从11号开始顺序编号。
Typically, iterations are consecutively numbered and follow one another sequentially. 通常情况下,迭代是连续编号并逐一顺序执行的。
The vouchers should be numbered consecutively and where there is a receipt you attach it. 凭据应该连续编号,凡是凭据有收据的,则要附上收据。