Consultation is traditional in the consensual Belgian system of labour relations. 协商是建立在意见一致基础上的比利时劳资关系体系的传统做法。
A historic shift is under way. More States see the gravity of the problem. We must tackle the violence, decriminalize consensual same-sex relationships, ban discrimination, and educate the public. 一个历史性的转变正在进行中,更多的国家看到了问题的严重性,我们必须反对暴力,将双方同意的同性关系合法化,禁止歧视,教育公众。
Over the weekend, the company said it would continue negotiations with its bondholders in order to reach a consensual resolution over a debt restructuring, another positive sign for investors. 佳兆业在周末表示,将继续与债券持有人谈判,以就债务重组达成一个双方一致同意的解决方案,对投资者来说,这又是一个积极的迹象。
But it said in a filing on Monday that the company would continue its efforts to reach a consensual restructuring of its outstanding debts. 不过该公司在周一提交的一份文件中说,公司将继续致力就其未偿还债务达成双方同意的重组。
He will demand a lot but do it in a very consensual way, says Mr Connors. 康纳斯说:他会以凝聚共识的方式提出大量要求。
The accused denied drugging the woman or raping her and said their marriage had been consensual. 被告否认给原告服用麻醉剂或实施强奸,并称他们的婚姻是自愿的。
He had concluded on Robben Island that when in power he should adopt the consensual politics of his forebears 'royal household. 曼德拉在罗本岛监狱时就断定,如果能够掌握权力,他应该采用他的王室祖先实行的共识政治。
Even if it was consensual. 就算你们是你情我愿。
But they should focus on engaging Russia in multilateral agreements and structures that involve norms to which it must adapt if it is to be a leading player in a consensual, rule-based international order. 但他们应侧重于让俄罗斯参与多边协议及组织。在一个以共识与规则为基础的国际秩序中,如果俄罗斯想要成为主要角色,就必须遵守这些协议及组织的准则。
And I swear it was consensual. 我发誓这是两厢情愿的。
The consensual Mr Hollande is the opposite of his predecessor, whose impetuous behaviour often annoyed Berlin. 奥朗德注重共识,这与他的前任(其冲动行为往往令柏林方面恼火)恰好相反。
European tolerance of cavorting politicians carries the risk of creating a culture of silence and immunity that too easily blurs the lines between a consensual affair, harassment and outright assault. 欧洲人对政治家们的宽容和沉默很容易形成一种“万马齐喑”的社会文化,它模糊了婚姻生活、性骚扰以及性侵犯之间的界限。
He acknowledges that sex took place but insists it was consensual. 他承认有发生性行为,但坚持是两厢情愿的。
A good environment policy should be built on consensual objectives which are supported by a clear policy-making structure, standards for implementation and guidelines. 良好的环境政策,必须建基于一个大众认同的环境目标和愿景,辅以清晰明确的决策架构、执行标准与指南。
The judge said, in a verdict broadcast live on television, that the two had consensual sex. 法官在电视和电台实况转播的宣判中说,原告和被告两人自愿发生了性关系。
Prosecutors said they could not disprove his assertion that the encounter with a hotel chambermaid was consensual. 检控官表示,他们难以反驳卡恩的说法,他和酒店女服务员在酒店的行为是双方自愿的。
It involves consensual relationships between multiple poles of power member states, the Commission, the parliament whose interactions become ever more complex. 它涉及各方势力欧盟成员国、欧盟委员会和欧洲议会之间协商一致的关系,这些势力之间的互动变得越来越复杂。
They like structured problems; they don't care for ambiguity; they are more consensual, more trusting of organisations, of businesses. 他们喜欢结构性问题;他们不喜欢含糊其辞;他们更具有共识,更加信任组织和企业。
They are also consensual in style, which is important when managing clever, self-regarding people. 他们风格各异,这一点在管理利己主义的聪明员工时很重要。
Anything that happened after that was entirely consensual. 在那之后发生的任何事都是双方自愿的。
To him, that's consensual. 对他来说就算是自愿了。
But the framework for negotiations is as robust as it could be under a consensual process. 但在一个需要共识的过程中,这一谈判框架是人们所能取得的最好成果。
I am hopeful that my resignation will enable the board to reach a consensual decision. 我希望我的辞职能够帮助董事会达成一致。
We are saying inclusive and consensual, which means it should reflect the whole Libya. 换句话说,这个过渡政府必须能反映出整个利比亚的意愿。
Shared reflect that ontology should capture consensual knowledge accepted by the communities. 共享反映了本体应该捕获被社会接受的概念化知识。