The necklace consisted of amethysts set in gold. 这是一条金镶紫水晶项链。
Breakfast consisted of porridge served with butter. 早餐是麦片粥配佐餐黄油。
Her crew consisted of children from Devon and Cornwall. 她的团队由来自德文郡和康沃尔郡的孩子们组成。
His work as a consultant consisted in advising foreign companies on the siting of new factories. 作为一名顾问,他的工作是为外国公司在新厂选址问题上提供建议。
The kit consisted of about twenty cosmetic items and a lady's shaver. 整套工具包括大约20种化妆用品和一个女士褪毛器。
Their politics consisted of unstable power-plays between rival groups. 他们的政治活动包括竞争团体间反复多变的打压行动。
This year's event consisted of readings, lectures and workshops. 今年的活动包括读书会、讲座和研讨会。
Their daily diet consisted of a lump of stale bread, a bowl of rice and stale water. 他们的日常饮食包括一块不新鲜的面包、一碗米饭和变味的水。
The material consisted only of already published, unclassified information. 这份材料里只有一些已公开的、非保密性质的信息。
The war consisted largely of limited actions. 那些战争大都是些局部冲突。
We measured the results against the Domino Directory search example and simulated a search that consisted of several steps. 我们测量了DominoDirectory搜索示例的结果,并且模拟了一个由几个步骤组成的搜索。
My personnel-management class consisted mainly of adult, working students. 我曾参加过一个员工管理培训课程,我们班上基本上都是成年人和一些半工半读的学生。
Household registration system consisted of 2 aspects: household registration and management. 户籍制度包括户口登记和管理两个方面。
During the course of theory and practice, this article is mostly consisted of five parts. 在详细阐述理论与实践的过程中,文章主要分为五个部分。
The main exploration bodies of Minhe basin is consisted of Bazhou and Yongdeng sag. 民和盆地勘探主体包括巴州凹陷和永登凹陷。
The system consisted of optical lenses, LCVRs, filters and CCD. 系统由光学镜头、LCVR、偏振片、滤波片和CCD探测器组成。
The downstairs consisted of three large rooms. “楼下”有三个大房间。
This paper was consisted of three chapters. 本论文包括三章的内容。
Her diet consisted of bread and fruit. 她的膳食由面包和水果所构成。
This is consisted of the front impact sensor, SRS-ECU and dual stage inflator. 它包括前排碰撞传感器,SRS-ECU和两级充气装置。
It is consisted of mechanical tide generating system and automatic control system. 该模拟系统由生潮机械系统和自动控制系统组成。
This triptych consisted of education, information and research. 这三项活动包括教育、信息和研究。
Grid system consisted by mass heterogeneous resources, which are complicated, dynamic and autonomous. 网格系统由大量异构资源组成,具有复杂、动态和自治等特点。
In this thesis, it consisted of both theoretical calculation and simulation study. 本文的研究内容包括两个方面:理论计算和仿真研究。
I missed to tell you that every corps consisted of four brigades. 我忘了告诉你每一个军有四个旅。
The team consisted of six investigators and two secretaries. 这个团队由六个调查人员和两个秘书组成。
The management system of code water meter consisted of computer for selling water and code water meter for user. 由售水计算机和用户代码水表构成的代码水表管理系统。
The first stage of the R-7 consisted of four side units. R-7导弹的第一子级由芯级和四个助推级组成。