"Research has shown that male primates are indeed particularly attracted to female conspecifics exhibiting red," the study says. 有研究证明,雄性灵长类动物的确更偏爱‘红色’雌性。
Feather pecking means hens peck the feather of conspecifics, which is a non-combative abnormal behaviour. 啄羽是指蛋鸡啄食同伴羽毛的一种非争斗性的异常行为。
It was found that a water suspension or a hexane extract of the frass FA or FC, in contrast to the corresponding foods, significantly deterred oviposition of conspecifics. 结果表明两种粪便的水悬浮液和正己烷提取液对怀卵雌虫的产卵有显著的忌避作用,而人工饲料和棉叶的水悬浮液和正己烷提取液却引诱怀卵雌虫产卵。
Male Siblings Competition and Their Recognition of Odor Between Familiar and Novel Conspecifics of the Same Sex in Root Voles 雄性根田鼠的同胞竞争及其对同性个体的气味识别