ADJ-GRADED (说话、微笑等)诡秘的,会心的 If someone does something such as speak or smile in a conspiratorial way, they do it in a way that suggests they are sharing a secret with someone.
His voice had sunk to a conspiratorial whisper... 他的声音越来越低,最后成了鬼鬼祟祟的耳语。
When I went to collect the car, Bill met me with a conspiratorial grin. 我去取车的时候碰到了比尔,他咧着嘴会意地笑了笑。
ADJ (常带有政治目的)阴谋的,密谋的 Something that is conspiratorial is secret and illegal, often with a political purpose.
There is nothing sinister or conspiratorial about the export licensing system. 这种出口许可制度没有任何阴险或者见不得人的东西。
...a secret and supposedly conspiratorial party meeting. 据说包藏阴谋的政党密会
His voice had sunk to a conspiratorial whisper 他的声音越来越低,最后成了鬼鬼祟祟的耳语。
When I went to collect the car, Bill met me with a conspiratorial grin. 我去取车的时候碰到了比尔,他咧着嘴会意地笑了笑。
There is nothing sinister or conspiratorial about the export licensing system. 这种出口许可制度没有任何阴险或者见不得人的东西。
"Youre to come with Luch ó g and me this afternoon," Smaolach in-formed me with a conspiratorial wink. 今天下午,你和鲁契克、我一起来。
With a conspiratorial grin on her face, Karen held up a wooden box filled with short pieces of chalk in every color of the rainbow. 卡伦带着一脸阴谋者的坏笑,举起了一个木头盒子,里面装满了五颜六色的小粉笔头。
Some are even serving as tools of the Japanese aggressors, using various guises to camouflage their conspiratorial activities. 甚有为日寇所利用,假借名义,作为掩护其阴谋活动的工具。
Any other conspiratorial act in order to exclude the competitors from fair competition. 其他相互勾结,以排挤竞争对手公平竞争的行为。
As the crisis in the eurozone has deepened, so anti-market rhetoric has become more common, darker and more conspiratorial. 随着欧元区危机的加剧,此类反市场的言论更为常见、更加晦暗,也有了更多的阴谋论意味。
For much of 2010, talk of local government debt sounded like conspiratorial whisperings in Beijing. 在2010年的大部分时间里,涉及地方债的讨论,在北京听起来就像是诡秘的窃窃私语。
It was a case of the reactionaries inside a socialist country, in league with the imperialists, attempting to achieve their conspiratorial aims by taking advantage of contradictions among the people to foment dissension and stir up disorder. 社会主义国家内部的反动派同帝国主义者互相勾结,利用人民内部的矛盾,挑拨离间,兴风作浪,企图实现他们的阴谋。
The whole Party and nation must heighten their vigilance against the conspiratorial activities of counter-revolutionaries. 阴谋有时会报应在阴谋者身上。全党和全国人民对于反革命分子的阴谋活动,必须提高警惕性。
He gave me a conspiratorial wink as they left the room. 他们离开房间后,他朝我像同谋似地眨了眨眼。
The voice throughout the text is appealing and almost conspiratorial as the child shares with the reader his or her innermost thoughts. 整个诗的内容声音是具有吸引力的,这些孩子,正告诉读者,他或她的内心想法。
With rumors swirling in conspiratorial corners that the end of the world is nigh, the US government last week posted some online counsel on how to be prepared in case of a zombie apocalypse. 近日,有关“世界末日”即将临近的预言疯传,而美国政府上周则在网上公布了一份“僵尸预警指南”,指导民众应对“僵尸末日”。
Indeed, Mr Moore has leavened his latest outpouring of conspiratorial left-wing nonsense with some genuinely amusing moments. 迈克尔确实在影片中用天才式的幽默酝酿并展示图谋不轨的左翼的愚蠢。
She hand the note to me with a conspiratorial air. 她鬼鬼祟祟地把字条交给了我。
He spoke in a conspiratorial whisper. 他说话时鬼鬼祟祟的,声音很低。
It was enough to win a gap-toothed, conspiratorial grin. 这赢得对方咧嘴一笑。
For those conspiratorial ones, let me give you something that you didn't expect. 相对于那些阴谋性的,让我给你一些你没有预期的。
But by nature, the Chinese are conspiratorial. 但从本质上说,中国人都想玩点阴谋。
"Shu", refers to the autocratic emperor's conspiratorial method or art of vindicating his authority. 所谓“术”,即专制君主维护其权利的阴谋权术;
What are you two being so conspiratorial about? 你们俩为什么这样鬼鬼祟祟的?
Analysis on Identification of Conspiratorial Illegal Occupation of Public Property 共同非法占有公共财产犯罪的定性辨析
The Conspiratorial Discourse: An Important Pattern of Modern Chinese Poetics Discourse 合谋话语:现代汉语诗学话语的重要方式