The Chief Constable's clipped tones crackled over the telephone line. 电话线那头噼里啪啦地传来警察局长短促的声音。
He was a constable at Sutton police station. 他是萨顿警察局的警员。
Thanks for your help, Constable. 警官,谢谢您的帮助。
Constable posters decorate the walls. 康斯太布尔风景画的海报装点着那些墙面。
He detailed a constable to take it to the Incident Room. 他派了一名警察把它送到重案调查室。
The constable received a distress call, and saw two youths attacking his colleague. 这名警察收到了求救呼叫,看见两个年轻人正在殴打他的同事。
The Chief Constable deeply resented any intrusions into his manor 警察局局长对侵入其辖区的行为深恶痛绝。
A police constable is handling all inquiries. 一名警员在负责所有调查。
The constable stopped a speeding driver. 警察拦住了一个超速行驶的司机。
I have done nothing except send for the constaBle. 我除了让人叫警察来之外,别的什么都没有做。
And lou, the constable was after me. 卢警官来抓我。
I John Constable painted views of the English countryside. 约翰康斯特布尔描绘了英国的乡村景象。
I-wonder Edgar did not send for a constable, and give him into custody! 我奇怪埃德加不找个警察,把他关起来!
A chief constable was acquitted of charges of corruption. 一个曾被指控腐化的警察局长被宣告无罪。
The constable conducted the suspect to the police station. 警官把嫌疑犯带到派出所。
One constable's hand was severed by a sword blow. 一位警察的手被一剑砍断了。
If you see anything strange, report it to Constable Hillers! 如果你发现了什么奇怪的事,去向治安官赫勒报告!
The chief constable was named in the divorce case. 在离婚案中提到警察局长的名字。
Daniel and Cricket are taken to the police station and questioned by their parents and Senior Constable Whitmore. 丹尼尔和克里克被带到警察局,并由他们的父母和资深警察惠特莫尔询问。
Chief Constable Chris Sims of West Midlands police said some were "astonishingly young". 西米德兰兹郡(WestMidlands)警察局长克里斯•西姆斯(ChrisSims)表示,有些人“年龄小得让人震惊”。
He should commit him to Newgate for assaulting the constable. 他将把他送到新门监狱去,因为他袭击了警察。
Excuse me, are you one of constable hiller's trained killers? 请原谅,你是治安官赫勒训练的杀手吗?
The constable went on further to explain that the man escaped, but in his haste had dropped the satchel from whence he had been pulling the feathers. 治安官继续解释,这个人逃跑了,但是匆忙中跌落了他拽出羽毛的小背包。
Constable! That's the farm they haven't burnt down! 治安官!那个农场并没有被烧毁。
The ultimate decision must be made by the chief constable himself. 最后的决定必须由警察局长本人来作。
What have I got here, Constable? 我在干什么,警官?
Then a police inspector arrived with a constable and she told them of her discovery of the ransacked flat. 这时一位巡官带着一名警察到了,她向他们诉说她发现住房被窃的过程。
The order is understood to have come direct from the Chief Constable. 据信这命令是警察局长直接下达的。
The constable's got an idea; he wants you to paint to hang in his home. 那警察还有个构思,要请你替他画一幅画挂到家里去。