Members of Parliament are spending the weekend canvassing opinion in their constituencies. 国会议员这个周末要向所在选区的选民征求意见。
The seniors organizations sent out mailings to their constituencies. 老年人组织向各自的会员寄送了邮件。
None of our constituencies found it easy to make concessions. 要我们的赞助者作出让步并非易事。
Other government agencies target other constituencies such as low-income housing. 其它政府机构提供的是一些赞助服务,比如对那些低收入家庭。
The Frontier announced it would field four candidates in two geographical constituencies. 前线宣布会派出四名候选人在两个选区中参选。
Thus, this command enables read and execute for all three constituencies. 因此,这个命令为所有的三类用户设置了读和执行权限。
Management normally serves two constituencies: the team and the customer. 管理通常服务于两种人:团队和客户。
He is clearly a spectacular ambassador to many different constituencies for Google. 对谷歌众多彼此不同的支持者来说,他显然是一个非常出色的大使。
But those results have to appeal to two very different constituencies: politicians and shareholders. 但这些业绩必须迎合两种截然不同的“选民”的心意:政客和股东。
The labour functional constituency returns three Legislative Council members and the other 27 functional constituencies return one member each. 劳工界功能界别选出三名立法会议员,余下27个界别各选出一名议员。
Your main constituencies are your employees, your customers and your products. 你主要凭借的是你的员工、客户和产品的支持。
There may be political pressure to redirect money to hard-pressed rural constituencies. 或许存在将资金重新导向压力重重的农村选区的政治压力。
The remainder are reserved for "functional constituencies", representing mainly pro-Beijing business and professional sectors. 其余席位则预留给“功能组别”主要代表的是亲北京的商业及专业部门。
I think the second big difference is that the two programs engage very different learning constituencies. 我认为第二个大不同的是,两个非常不同的学习计划进行选区。
-You have a 92% voter registration rate, the second highest among functional constituencies. ?保险界选民登记率高达百分之九十二,在功能界别中,高踞第二位。
NGOs speak for broad international and national constituencies and have increasing influence on the UN's work. 非政府组织代表广泛的国际性和国家性群体的声音,对联合国工作的影响越来越大。
Unfortunately, both Washington and Beijing have been distracted by domestic constituencies. 不幸的是,华盛顿与北京都已被国内选举分散了注意力。
The two minority parties signed an electoral pact not to oppose each other in certain constituencies. 两个多数党签订了一个在某些选区互不反对的选举公约。
The conventions have separate constituencies, administration arrangements, negotiators and guiding scientific bodies. 它们有各自不同的支持者、管理安排、缔约国和科学指导机构。
In this case, since BPMN addresses multiple constituencies, there are multiple dimensions of compliance. 在这种情况下,鉴于BPMN解决了多种问题,自然就会有多维度的遵从性。
He is winning support from very different constituencies. 他正从差别很大的选民那里获得支持。
Abbas ratified the Palestinian elections law from being half proportional and half constituencies to become fully proportional. 阿巴斯认可了选举法将原先半比例半区域结合的选举程序更改为全比例代表制选举。
The conservative Party's many constituencies are sprawled across the country's economic and social landscape. 保守政党为数众多的选区遍布在全国各个经济和社会区域。
This requires political courage: such actions would impinge on powerful domestic constituencies. 这样做需要具有一定的政治勇气,因为有关措施可能会损害该国国内强大的选民利益。
Half of the 60-seat legislature is hand-picked by equally conservative functional constituencies primarily representing industrial and professional groups. 在60个席位的立法会中,半数席位是由同样保守的功能界别挑选产生的,这些功能界别主要代表各行业和专业团体。
Nationalist constituencies in all the countries concerned are pressing their respective governments for conspicuous displays of assertiveness. 其他所有相关国家的民族主义选民正在向各自的政府施压,要求政府明确地展示自信。
A national or state election; candidates are chosen in all constituencies. 国家或民族的选举;候选人在全选民中选择。