They are almost constitutionally incapable of casual relationships. 他们几乎天生就不会跟人随便交往。
The National Assembly constitutionally should be elected every five years for a five year term. 国民议会本质上每五年需要选举一次。
However, French presidents are almost constitutionally obliged to commit adultery. 然而,通奸几乎是法国总统的宪法义务。
President Barack Obama and Vice President Joe Biden today officially embarked on their second term, taking the Constitutionally mandated oath of office in two separate private ceremonies inside their homes. 美国总统奥巴马和副总统拜登周日分别在各自家中举行了私下的宣誓就职仪式,正式开启了第二任期。
Largely unconstrained by a constitutionally weak parliament or by the constraints of coalition politics, the French president enjoys exceptional powers compared with other European leaders. 与其他欧洲领导人相比,法国总统基本上不受在宪法上实力弱小的议会或联合执政局限性的约束,享有较大权力。
Who are constitutionally incapable of being honest with themselves. 这些人不能诚实面对自己。
The entire committee must be constitutionally elected. 整个委员会必须按章程规定选举。
The memory rankled because I was constitutionally unable to bear the sensation of helplessness. 这些痛苦的内存是因为我的本质上不能忍受这种无能为力的感觉。
The association has excluded amateurs ever since its foundation. this was constitutionally ruled out. 协会自成立之际,就将业馀者排除在外。根据宪法这一点被排除在外。
Even a cause of action can be a constitutionally protected property right. 即使是诉因亦可是宪法保障的财产权利。
There was some doubt as to whether the government were behaving constitutionally. 有人怀疑政府是否在按宪法办事。
Regardless of its population, every state constitutionally is guaranteed at least one member of the House. 无论人口多少,宪法保证各州至少有一名众议员。
Irish is constitutionally recognised as the first official language of the State. 本质上国家承认爱尔兰语作为官方第一语言。
He is of kindness and magnanimity constitutionally. 他天生既仁慈又宽宏大量。
In Japan, the right of group action constitutionally protected is usually made up of disputes rights and rights to form trade union activities. 日本宪法所保护的团体行动权通常由争议权和工会活动权构成。
All the departments of the government must always act constitutionally. 政府各部门都必须始终按宪法办事。
We are constitutionally mandated to act as the directing and coordinating authority on health. 《组织法》规定我们要充任卫生方面的指导和协调机关。
He said the court provided no guidance about when recusels recusal will be constitutionally required. 他说,最高法院没有提供指导意见,在什么情况下应该要求取消资格。
A regime under which abortion and divorce are constitutionally prohibited as is the case in the Irish republic. 一个堕胎与离婚为宪法所不容的政体爱尔兰共和国的国情就是如此。
In the US, where church and state are constitutionally separate, fundamentalism has a formative influence on politics unknown in any other advanced country. 在美国,教会和政府在宪法上是分离的,但基要主义对政治发展有一种其它任何发达国家都不知道的影响力。
In a federation, the self-governing status of the component states is typically constitutionally entrenched and may not be altered by a unilateral decision of the central government. 在联盟,组分状态的自治状况是典型地宪法确立的,并且不可以由中央政府的一个片面决定修改。
Worse, state governments starved for revenue and constitutionally barred from running deficits continue to cut programmes. 更有甚者,州政府缺乏财政收入而宪法又不允许各州运行财政赤字,因此只能继续削减公共开支项目。
Planned parenthood in wedlock by the use of contraceptive devices cannot constitutionally be forbidden. 婚姻生活中使用避孕措施进行计划生育不应在宪法上受到禁止。
He's constitutionally incapable of keeping a secret. 他天生就不能很好地保守秘密。
This was constitutionally ruled out. 根据宪法这一点被排除在外。
We constitutionally lack the concept-forming capacity to encompass all possible types of conscious state, and this obstructs our path to a general solution to the mind – body problem. 我们生来就缺乏那种能够在任何意识状态都适用的概念形成能力,这也阻碍了我们一劳永逸地解决身心问题。
Its are same constitutionally, but kind is different. 其本质都是一样的,但是方式不一样。
Was War Constitutionally Authorized by Congress? 战争经国会的合宪性授权了吗?