
英 [kənˈstrɪkts] 美 [kənˈstrɪkts]

v.  (使)紧缩,缩窄; 限制; 限定; 抑制; 约束


  1. V-ERG (使)(身体部位,尤指喉咙)收紧,收缩
    If a part of your body, especially your throat, is constricted or if it constricts, something causes it to become narrower.
    1. Severe migraine can be treated with a drug which constricts the blood vessels...
    2. My throat constricted, so that I had to concentrate on breathing.
  2. VERB 限制;束缚;约束
    If something constricts you, it limits your actions so that you cannot do what you want to do.
    1. She objects to the tests the Government's advisers have devised because they constrict her teaching style...
    2. Men and women alike have been constricted by traditional sexual roles.


  1. Severe migraine can be treated with a drug which constricts the blood vessels
  2. The tumour constricts the nerves.
  3. A rubber band constricts what it encircles.
  4. For example, one person called to report the outbreak of a contagious disease that constricts breathing.
  5. The cold constricts the blood vessels, immediately reducing puffiness.
  6. When they're in the spotlight, everything, including vocal chords, constricts.
  7. The vaccine is designed to prompt the immune system to produce antibodies against the hormone angiotensin, which constricts blood vessels and raises blood pressure.
  8. The A receptor is generally considered a trouble maker that interferes with sodium excretion, constricts blood vessels and promotes inflammation.
  9. These drugs reduce blood pressure by blocking an enzyme that converts angiotensin to an active form that constricts blood vessels.
  10. Note: In some cases this won't work because bending constricts the flow of urine too much.
  11. And your esophagus naturally constricts around anything inside it, so even though there is a thin protective gas layer, the esophagus will manage to make contact with the liquid nitrogen.
  12. A cool bath or shower should help you feel more comfortable as it constricts the blood vessels.
  13. They found that procyanidins suppress production of a protein called endothelin-1 that constricts blood vessels.
  14. Fear of crime constricts many people's lives.
  15. As there are many constricts on signal phase, two methods, namely phase merge optimization based on question drive and improved cooperative co-evolutionary genetic algorithm are designed to search the solution space.
  16. In Chapter 3, the design method, the objective function and the solution space of the signal phase optimization algorithm under mixed traffic condition are described. The constricts of the signal phase and the phase design rules are summarized.
  17. Through the analysis and survey of the external environment for the development of the non state economy in Shaanxi the authors indicate that the backward external environment is an important factor that constricts the development of the non state economy and even the entire economy in Shaanxi.
  18. But there exits some problems due to the constricts of these theories and the complex phenomenon of irony.
  19. Developing higher vocational education in Hunan related with developmental level of the whole education, which influences and constricts the development of higher vocational education in future 10 years.
  20. Overrunning clutch is a weak link in transmission chain of pulse-type stepless transmission and constricts directly the ability of transferring capacity.
  21. However, neo-historical novels over emphasize the decisive role of contingent factors in history construction, which inclines to historical nihilism and constricts its further development.
  22. However, orthodox pursues the unique interpretation for Marxism in the extreme form. Absolutely correct interpretation and the ultimate interpretation lead to the dogmatic, rigid and religious tendency, which constricts and impedes the innovation and development of Marxism.
  23. Aluminium can be used as substitute conductive materials Due to the similar physical properties of Al and Cu. But the strong surface oxidation films takes many difficulties for welding and thus constricts the application field of Al.