v. 咨询; 请教; (与某人)商议,商量(以得到许可或帮助决策); 查阅; 查询; 参看 consult的第三人称单数
VERB 咨询;请教;请示(以获得许可) If you consult an expert or someone senior to you or consult with them, you ask them for their opinion and advice about what you should do or their permission to do something.
Consult your doctor about how much exercise you should attempt... 咨询一下医生你需要多大的运动量。
He needed to consult with an attorney... 他需要找个律师咨询一下。
If you are in any doubt, consult a financial adviser. 如有任何疑问,请向财务顾问咨询。
V-RECIP 商量;商讨;商议 If a person or group of people consults with other people or consults them, they talk and exchange ideas and opinions about what they might decide to do.
After consulting with her daughter and manager she decided to take on the part, on her terms... 与女儿兼经纪人商量之后,她决定出演这一角色,不过要按照她开出的条件。
The two countries will have to consult their allies... 两国不得不与盟国商议。
The umpires consulted quickly. 几位裁判快速商量了一下。
VERB 查阅,查询(书、地图等) If you consult a book or a map, you look in it or look at it in order to find some information.
Consult the chart on page 44 for the correct cooking times... 翻到44页的图表,查一下正确的烹饪时间。
Facer consults for a large building firm. 费塞在一家大建筑公司当顾问。
Imes consults for a trading company. 艾姆斯在一家交易所里当顾问。
The application server does some processing, but then consults a database for more information. 应用服务器执行一些处理,然后向数据库查询更多的信息。
As a practicing executive IT architect at IBM, Tilak Mitra consults with IBM customers to help them develop and implement SOA. 作为IBM的一位实践执行IT架构师,TilakMitra为IBM的客户提供咨询,帮助他们开发和实现SOA。
He leads and consults with clients on systems and software engineering solutions and development process strategies, considering the entire development life cycle and supporting toolsets, and he has expertise in the Rational Unified Process, as well as Requirements Development and Analysis. 他领导并与客户商议系统和软件工程的解决方案和开发过程策略,考虑整个开发生命周期和支持工具集,并且他还拥有Rational统一过程、需求开发和分析方面的专家经验。
If not, Samba consults the list of system printers to see if a printer by that name exists. 如果不是,Samba查询系统打印机列表,看具有该名称的打印机是否存在。
Noticing that the particular packages requiring changes have little to no coverage, he then consults with Mary. 注意到需要改动的软件包几乎没有被覆盖,然后他就会与Mary商量。
The ObjectGrid authorization plug-in consults the Authorization service and makes an authorization decision. ObjectGrid授权插件查询Authorization服务并作出授权决策。
The Captain consults Maria and decides that they must secretly flee Austria. 上校和玛利亚商量后决定他们悄悄地逃到奥地利去。
E.g.: He retired last year, but still consults for his old firm. 例句:他去年退休了,不过仍然在为老东家做顾问。
Multinationals he consults with are dealing with the same issue, he said. 他说,他提供咨询的那些跨国企业也面临着同样的问题。
If you mean the word that calculate, the reference book that can buy this dietetics consults. 您假如想要算的话,可以买本营养学的工具书参考一下。
Second, the Bank consults civil society groups on various policies and programs, by listening to their perspectives and inviting advice and suggestions. 第二,世行就各种政策和计划征询民间组织的意见,倾听他们的看法,邀请他们提出意见和建议。
Frank consults his niece, Ann, about how to handle an insect invasion. 弗兰克向他的侄女安请教如何对付昆虫的侵害。
Consults consultant to refer also is at first these customers the professional whichs eek the suggestion to him. 咨询顾问最初指的也就是那些客户向他寻求建议的专业人士。
Consultand& In genetic counseling, anyone who consults a genetic counselor for genetic information. 在遗传咨询中,咨询遗传师以寻求遗传方面的信息的人。
Consults with individuals and groups, assesses psychological disorders and administers programs of treatment. 与个人和团体协商,评估心理障碍并执行治疗方案。
He also consults for companies that build development tools to help them leverage and support aspect-oriented programming technology. 他也向构建开发工具的公司提供咨询,帮助公司利用、支持面向方面的编程技术。
Consults and advises management of environmental, health and safety issues. 商讨和建议环境、健康和安全问题的管理。
Each schools have professional class difference, need consults the recruit students plan of each school. 专业课各个学校有差别,需要查阅各学校的招生计划。
Consult with decoration: The customer consults the scheme and price of decoration to the designer. 装修咨询:顾客向设计师咨询方案及价格。
This study will offer scientific basis and important consults to combat desertification, and it is import in theory and reality. 本研究为荒漠化的防治提供了科学依据和重要参考,具有较强的理论和现实意义。
He is a retired executive who consults for several large companies. 他是为几个大公司担任顾问的退休官员。
The professor consults for industry. 教授做行业咨询工作。
The government consults a wide cross-section of local groups and combines this with an extensive analysis of poverty in the country's society and its economic situation. 政府与广泛的地方团体进行磋商,并将磋商结果与广泛的社会贫困和经济状况分析相结合。
He lives in London and consults on software development issues in banking and healthcare. 他居住在伦敦,为银行、卫生保健、后勤等行业做软件开发问题的技术咨询。
Don't forget to call your consults and support staff. 别忘记给顾问和后勤打电话。
Providing most professional and just-in-time technical consults and services! 真诚为广大中国客户提供最专业最及时的技术支持及服务!
Office hours are for meetings and consults. 办公室时间是给开会和咨询的。
The retired executive consults for several large companies. 那位退休的总裁在好几家大公司当顾问。