Movie watching plays a critical role in the development of a consumerist society, something China is working hard to create. 中国正在努力构建一个消费型社会,而看电影对于一个消费型社会的发展起着重要的作用。
We are focused on short-term, consumerist patterns. 我们的注意力都集中于短期发展和消费主义模式。
For a time, the void was filled by the consumerist distractions of a booming economy. 有一段时期,这个真空被经济繁荣带来的消费主义思想所填补。
Both descriptions reflect a few of the ways parenting ( at least in this rarefied socioeconomic milieu) has evolved since the 1980s into a competitive and consumerist sport. 她们的描述都反映出,自20世纪80年代以来,养育子女的某些方式(至少在这个特定的社会经济环境中)已演变成竞争性的消费主义活动。
Some of it, surely, is just the growing focus on the weekend as a time for all things consumerist, with cars dragged along for the ride. 毫无疑问,部分原因只是更多人将这个周末当作购买一切商品的好时机,而汽车业只是搭了个顺风车。
But at the grassroots level, a third narrative also exists: Jefferson found that eviction is increasingly portrayed in popular discourse as a quasi liberation from a warped, consumerist society. 但是在民间还出现了第三种叙事模式:杰弗逊发现,公共话语日益将被逐出住所描述为从扭曲的消费主义社会中解放出来。
It is smaller, more consumerist and less collective than the Soviet Union. 俄罗斯比苏联小,更注重消费主义,没那么强调集体主义。
Their target audience consists of baby-boomers who left the church in adolescence, who do not feel comfortable with overt displays of religiosity, who dread turning into their parents, and who apply the same consumerist mentality to spiritual life as they do to everything else. 这些人在铺天盖地的宗教演示里不会觉得自在,他们完全变成他们父母那样,他们在精神生活和其他方面一样采取同样的消费主义的思想。
Cowen suggests fantasising about stealing one of the pictures, thus putting your well-developed selfish consumerist impulses to good use. 考恩建议,幻想偷出其中一幅画,这样就能很好地利用你发达的自私性消费主义冲动。
He was a good businessman, but he had the mentality of a consumerist. 他是个精明的生意人.但也有消费者意识。
Significantly, the idealistic figures are contrasted with not only the crass consumerist logo but also with the word "NO" emerging as if a thought-bubble from the figures. 不但如此,那些理想化的形象不单是与笨拙的消费主义品牌形成对比,也和画面对话框中那一个「NO」(「不」)字也形成明显的反差。
The consumerist, material world that we live in makes it difficult to keep living a thrifty lifestyle. 在这个充满着消费主义的物质世界里,在我们的生活当中,几乎难以保持以前那种节俭的生活方式。
America's "consumerist creed" creates a "candyfloss culture" dominated by instant gratification, the fallout from which includes "obesity, debt, poverty and pollution". 美国的“消费贪婪”创造了一种“棉花糖文化”,在这种文化中,即时性的满足,以及包括“肥胖、负债、贫穷和污染”的后果占着主要的地位。
Forsaking narrow consumerist ethics, environmental law cherishes consistence of norms and rules and resists consumerism from the angle of maintaining harmony. 环境法走出了消费主义的狭隘伦理观,将和谐理念贯穿于整个法律规范之中,它是站在和谐的角度上反对消费主义。
Dorian's split character is against both romanticism andtraditional morality, is influenced not only by wilde's personal experiences, chronic diseases, but also the social consciousness and consumerist culture of the times. 道连的分裂性格不仅反浪漫主义,也反传统道德,它既有王尔德个人经历与恶疾缠身的影响,又直接受作用于当时的社会意识和消费文化。
Many think the consumerist aesthetic stayed with you; that the "affectless gaze" of commercial art defined your own art ever after. 很多人认为,你一直秉承着消费主义美学;广告艺术的“冷眼旁观”为你后来的艺术作品定下了基调。
Personalized writing, female voice and new-rising city novel go into consumerist open territory while literature surpasses the centralized irritation, grand scene and single voice. 文学从集体叙事、宏大场面、一元化语超越的同时,个人化写作、女性话语及新兴的城市小说却又步入了对消费主义全面不设防的误区。
Consumerist Women or Mothers?& A Soft Text Analysis of the 2004 Mother's Day Monographs in the New Express 是消费主义女人,还是母亲?&《新快报》2004年母亲节专题软文分析
Interaction between Fashion and Imitation in the Consumerist Society 时尚与模仿的互动机制&大众消费社会何以可能
China had entered into a consumerist society which helped the secularization in the military novel. 中国已经进入到了一个消费社会,正处于现代化进程中,这给军事小说的世俗化提供了一个丰富的土壤。
The consumerist and popular cultural values are woven together, which has been giving a negative impact on and dissolving the traditional values and thus urges the traditional cultural values to distortion. 二元模式中消费主义与普遍文化价值观纠结在一起,冲击和消解着传统的价值观念,促使传统文化价值观产生变形。
Influenced by the communication of the dual value model, consumerist cultural values based on advanced consuming has been established in China. 在二元价值模式传播的影响下,建立在超前消费的基础上的消费主义文化价值观在中国建立起来。
As far as social culture is concerned, it is a product of consumerist societies and culture, and the result of the vagueness between reality and fiction in a digitalized age. 从社会文化背景来看,它是消费社会和消费文化的产物,是数字化时代真实与虚拟界限模糊的结果;
The thesis analyses the backgrounds of arising of reality TV with culture research theories and methods, and the correlative theories includes consumerist societies and culture, reality and fiction, etc. 本论文在对真人秀电视节目兴起的背景进行分析时,主要采用了文化研究的相关理论和研究方法,所涉及的理论包括消费社会与消费文化理论、现实与虚拟现实理论等。
The critical studies of Thomas Hardy have tended to focus on his characters and the social constructions that determine their lives from a Marxist, consumerist or feminist angle. 以前对托马斯·哈代的文学评论都是从人物本身以及当时社会的建构为中心,采用马克思主义(Marxist),消费主义和女性主义为理论基础进行分析。
At this moment, the Chinese city community has already became a consumerist, and the mass media is doubtlessly become the path that loading "the sign" most. 当下的中国城市社区已经成为消费社会,大众传媒无疑是承载符号最多的载体。
Furthermore, it deeply analyzed the contradictions between construction of ecological civilization and the notion of economic interests above everything else 、 social inequality 、 consumerist life style 、 imperfect eco-ethics education. Finally, correspondingly ethical countermeasures on construction of ecological civilization are discussed aiming at these contradictions. 论文深入分析了建设生态文明与经济利益至上、社会不公正、消费主义生活方式及生态道德教育缺乏之间的矛盾。最后,针对以上矛盾,文章探讨了建设生态文明的相应伦理对策。
Mass culture is not only a kind of cultural activity and a way to enjoy life, but also a form of cultural life operated in a fashion way, influenced by consumerist ideology and guiding the masses. 大众文化不仅是一种文化活动与享受方式,也是受消费主义意识形态影响,引导大众的,采取时尚化运作方式的文化生活形态。
The superficial elements of cultural values is characterized by diversity, while the cultural values in depth is decided by consumerist cultural values. 表层文化价值元素呈现多元化的特征。
The fourth part of the main analysis of program characteristics of "You Are the One" from the perspective of consumerism, the fifth part of the consumerist perspective, the problems of hit shows, the sixth part of the television hit shows benign development proposals. 第四部分主要从消费主义角度分析《非诚勿扰》节目的特征,第五部分是消费主义视角下相亲节目存在的问题,第六部分提出了电视相亲节目良性发展建议。