Never one to accept second best, Napoleon hired Nicholas Conte to solve the problem. 他从不接受次好,于是拿破仑雇佣了尼古拉斯康特来解决这个问题。
For example, Le Conte, Dali and Qinqin, as these brands know the needs of Chinese consumers better than foreign brands. 例如金帝、达利和亲亲等,因为这些厂商更懂得如何满足中国消费者的口味,这正是外国厂商所欠缺的。
Derived from Confuciuss thinking of "etiquette and filial piety" is a relatively complete system of moral maxims that are rich in conte. 孔子的“礼孝”思想提出了一套较为全面、内涵丰富的“孝”的伦理准则。
"certainly I would be honoured to accept such a role, as long as everyone respected their positions," said conte. “当然,假如我扮演那种角色将会获得无上荣耀,那是一个为世人尊重的位置,”孔蒂说道。
In the longer term, Bari boss Antonio Conte is being widely tipped to take over. 从长期考虑,巴里教练孔蒂得到了广泛的认可。
Doctor Jean Jacques conte, cerebral surgeon of lyon, France considers that Mona Lisa has just experienced a stroke on the ground the muscle on half of her face is flabby, and that she looks smiling just because she manages to show her face awry. 法国里昂的脑外科专家让雅克?孔代特博士认为蒙娜丽莎刚得过一场中风,她半个脸的肌肉是松弛的,只不过因为脸歪着所以才显得像是微笑。
Yes, it was a fine rose, the Conte said proudly when they praised it, and he would tell the Signora about it. 这是一株不错的蔷薇,伯爵听了客人夸奖之后得意地说,而且他很乐意为这位女士讲述玫瑰树的故事。
They lock up the look closely be in surely conte 他们将目光紧紧锁定在物耗
The author constructed a simple conte comes suggestive the predicament of a very big, widespread presence, if weight lifting is light; 作者构造了一个简单的小故事来影射一个很大、普遍存在的困境,举重若轻;
Of course the old Conte must have died many years ago; 当然,老伯爵已经辞世多年;
In the history of Western philosophy, the dilemma of Conte's philosophy plays a connecting role between the former and the latter and is a philosophical problem which contemporary philosophy must face; 在西方哲学史上,康德哲学的二难问题起着承前启后的作用,是当代哲学必须面对的哲学问题;
Strategy Management of Conte 康德公司战略管理研究
Video surveillance system is a superior performance to prevent system currently own intuitive, accurate, timely and conte nt-rich features has been widely used in many industries, where there are fully utilized. 视频监控系统是一个防范性能优越的系统,目前以自身直观、准确、及时和内容丰富的特点得到了广泛应用,在许多行业、场合都有充分使用。
Though Conte as a positivist representative firstly opposed metaphysics, and afterwards Nietzsches and Carnap further criticized it, metaphysics will not lose its meaning and value. 虽然以孔德为代表的实证主义学派首先举起了反形而上学的大旗,后来又有卡尔纳普和尼采等人更进一步的批判,但形而上学不会因此失去它存在的意义和价值。