The government contends that he is fundamentalist 政府认定他是原教旨主义者。
'You were just looking,' contends Samantha. 'I was the one doing all the work.' “你不过是看看而已。”萨曼莎争辩道,“什么活儿都是我来干。”
Moreover, society will adapt by "broadening the definition of masculinity," she contends. 而且,她认为,社会将适应“男子气定义的扩展”。
Gillette contends its pricing is competitive with rivals like Schick. 吉列认为,与舒适(Schick)等竞争对手相比,吉列的定价更具竞争力。
India contends that elements in Pakistan were responsible for planning and executing the attack and that the terrorists received sophisticated training there. 印度声称巴基斯坦国内有人对策划和实施这次袭击负有责任,而且恐怖分子在那里接受过先进的训练。
Unlike the US, Roach contends, China is doing just that. 罗奇认为,与美国不同的是,中国正在朝目标迈进。
Mr. Smith contends Vice is different. 史密斯声称,Vice是不一样的。
He's an architect who creates living spaces, he contends. 他争辩说:他只是一个建筑师,创造出适合居住的环境。在许多地方,泡泡设计都有用。
I will not abandon you this theory contends and I will battle to the death for you. 我不会放弃你这个理论主张我会和你一起战斗死亡。
Rajiv Rimal, associate professor in the Department of Health, Behavior and Society at Johns Hopkins University, contends that social media hold untapped potential for public health. 约翰•霍普金斯大学健康、行为和社会系副教授RajivRimal主张,对公共卫生而言,社会媒体的潜能尚未被挖掘出来。
Horn contends government is already involved in family life. 霍恩高兴地看到政府已经介入到家庭生活中来。
But her New York lawyer contends that "Lindsay" is an equally recognizable moniker for her client& like that of Oprah or Madonna. 但她的纽约律师辩称,对于她的观众来说,“林赛”是一个同样可识别的名字&就像欧普拉和麦当娜。
The administration contends that setting a timetable on the war assumes failure in Iraq. 布什政府说设定撤军时间表会导致伊拉克战争的失败。
Manhattan dealer Richard Feigen contends that this pattern is hardly new. 来自纽约曼哈顿的画商理查德费根(richardfeigen)表示这一现象并不稀奇。
China's massive holdings of US Treasuries, he contends, are the flip side of America's: they reveal a dependence on exports and the need to recycle foreign currency reserves abroad for fear of putting upward pressure on the renminbi. 他声称,中国持有大量美国国债的事实,正是美国问题的反面:它折射出中国对出口的依赖,以及为摆脱人民币升值压力而把外汇储备重新投到海外的必要性。
CNOOC, which said it respects the decision, nonetheless contends the deposit arrangements are safeguarded by checks and balances and benefit the company and shareholders. 中海油表示尊重股东的这一决定,但称,存款安排受到制衡机制的保障,而且对公司和股东有利。
A day, the alcalde says to writ, this word cannot be taken seriously, I become an alcalde is to rely on his one situation contends to come oh! 一日,镇长对文书说,此话不能当真,我当镇长是靠自己一步一步奋斗得来的哟!
The last lane is Method, indicating where the lock contends. 最后一列是方法,表明锁竞争是在什么位置发生的。
Google contends it is helping newspapers by driving more traffic to its website. 谷歌主张我们通过在网站上强劲的流量来帮助报纸。
Mr Bolton contends that there is still value to be had and that there are even a few bargains. 波顿认为,目前仍有价值有待发现,甚至还有一些廉价股。
Nearly half a century, Virtue Ethics have developed to be a kind of moral theory which contends with utilitarianism and deontology. 近半个世纪以来,美德伦理学已经发展为一种与功利主义和义务论相抗衡的道德理论。
Countering this, Mr Clancy contends that Google's business model is based on obtaining the widest possible distribution: Google's interest is to make it cheap. 对此克兰西先生进行了反驳。他声称,谷歌的商业模式是基于获得最广销售可能性。
It may take even more than changes in the financial and cultural structures of employment for workers successfully to trade increased productivity and money for leisure time, Schor contends. 可能出现更多的变化在金融的和文化的雇佣结构为员工顺利的去交换增长的生产力和为休闲花的钱,Schor主张。
Reflections and Contends on Creating the Existence Space of Chinese Wushu 反思与争鸣:缔造中国武术的生存空间
The historicist contends that the experimental method cannot be applied to the social sciences. 历史决定论者争辩说,实验的方法不能应用于社会科学。
The third contends that China has suffered enough indignities; the time has come for it to reclaim its rightful status and place in world affairs. 第三派观点则指出,中国已经蒙受了足够多的屈辱,在国际事务中恢复自身应有身份和地位的时机已经成熟。
The paper contends that neighborhood effects help reduce social differences and promote social equality, which can be explained by both theory and practice. 文章指出,邻里效应有助于减少社会差别、促进社会平等,这在理论和实践上都能得到说明。
Slaughter contends that this means that companies will need to re-examine their corporate social responsibility programmes. 斯劳特称,这意味着,企业可能需要重新审视自己的企业社会责任计划。