Sanctions are expected to be among the most contentious issues. 制裁可能会是争议最大的问题之一。
Rodney was a cheerful, elegant and gregarious if rather contentious man. 罗德尼尽管非常喜欢与人争辩,却是个阳光、优雅、合群的人。
Do avoid potentially contentious subjects such as religion, sex or politics. 一定要避免可能引起争议的话题,如宗教、性和政治。
The question of divorce and remarriage in church remains highly contentious. 离婚和在教堂再婚的问题仍然存有很大争议。
But we can also use this strategy to improve slow-running, contentious INSERT programs. 但是,我们还可以使用该策略提高运行慢、有争议的INSERT程序。
The Acme COE also sets up an architecture review board as an arbiter for contentious issues. AcmeCOE还建立了体系结构审核委员会,将其作为有争议的问题的仲裁者。
Probably the most contentious issue in GWT's architecture is the switch to the Java language for client-side code. GWT架构中最具争议的问题可能就是在客户端代码中对Java语言的切换。
The most contentious point is a change to determine who is the rightful inventor. 最有争议的一点就是决定谁是合法发明人产生了变化。
Compensation for egg donation is a particularly contentious issue. 捐赠卵子的赔偿是一个特别有争议的问题。
As we do, I am mindful that the Iraq War has been a contentious issue at home. 当我们这样做的时候,我很清楚,伊拉克战争在国内一直是一个有争议的话题。
First, they must quickly settle the less contentious bilateral issues. 首先,它们必须迅速解决争议相对较小的双边问题。
But they say that the contentious issue of intellectual property rights remains unresolved. 但是他们说有争议的知识产权问题仍然没有得到解决。
Footwear has emerged as one of the most contentious trade issues between China and the EU. 鞋类已成为中国与欧盟之间最具争议性的贸易问题之一。
His imprisonment had been a contentious issue in Israel. 他的被捕在以色列一直是一个有争议的问题。
The issue of allowing more mainland participation in Taiwan's economy is a contentious one. 要不要让大陆在更大程度上参与台湾经济,是一个有争议的议题。
A contentious issue, for example, is where the bank will be based. 比如说有一个问题就可能引发争议,即金砖银行的总部要设在哪里。
This would have big implications for the trade balance, a contentious issue with the west. 这将对中国的贸易平衡产生重大影响。贸易平衡是中国与西方之间争议很大的一个问题。
They're too contentious, and there are many sides to every issue. 他们太有争议,有许多方面的每一个问题。
There are simply too many participants, too many contentious issues and too many domestic political concerns to discuss. 谈判参与方、有争议的问题和有待讨论的国内政治关切实在是太多了。
For example, there are contentious debates over the role of price speculation in the commodity markets. 有很多问题引起争议,比如价格投机在商品市场中的作用问题就引起了辩论。
Whether the policy made any headway remains contentious. 不过,该政策是否取得了进展仍存在争议。
Modelling is a contentious area. 模型分析是一个有争议的领域。
Since then they have tended to steer clear of contentious issues. 从那时起,他们总想方设法避开有争议的问题。
This is why the debate within China has become so contentious. 这就是中国国内这场争论变得如此激烈的原因所在。
As we do, I'm mindful that the Iraq war has been a contentious issue at home. 当我们翻开新的一页之时,我没有忘记伊拉克战争在国内始终是一个争论激烈的问题。
It's currently a very contentious issue. 这是个目前有很多争议的问题。
But the level from which output will now grow is more contentious. 但是,目前产出将从何种水平上增长,是一个争议更大的问题。
Courtroom cameras provide greater public access, but they remain a contentious issue in many nations. 相机进入法庭为公众提供了了解更多情况的渠道,但在许多国家,这继续是一个引起争议的问题。