One of the features missing from Ruby IDE's is Content Assist, offering context-sensitive lookups for identifiers. RubyIDE缺乏的特性之一是ContentAssist,这种特性针对标识符进行上下文相关的查找。
After the file exists in the library, you can click the Share action in the context-sensitive drop-down list of options to share the file with users you select or to make the file public. 当文件存在库里以后,您可以单击上下文敏感的下拉选项列表中的Share动作,与所选用户共享文件,或者公开文件。
While working in the product, you can access context-sensitive help by pressing F1. 当您在产品中工作时,您可以通过按F1来访问内容敏感的帮助文件。
The Comment menu is context-sensitive, based on what is selected in the editor area of the artifact. Comment菜单是环境敏感性的,基于工件编辑器区域选择的不同而有所不同。
In general, all the built-ins and functions included with fish have context-sensitive operand completion. 在一般情况下,fish中的所有内置函数都有上下文相关的操作数补全。
This is handy if the hero depends on data that's time-or context-sensitive. 如果英雄依赖于时间敏感或上下文敏感的数据,这就会很方便。
How actions can work with different menu containers and listeners to produce context-sensitive applications 操作如何使用不同的菜单容器和侦听器来生成对上下文敏感的应用程序
Context-sensitive Help ( F1 key) is available for each setting to explain its effects. 上下文敏感的Help(F1键)可以用于每个设置,以说明其效果。
Code completion provides a context-sensitive list of suggestions selectable by keyboard or mouse. 代码自动完成提供了上下文敏感的建议列表,您可通过键盘或鼠标来从列表中选择。
Better yet, the editor is context-sensitive and can automatically complete PHP control structures, keywords, and string delimiters. 更好的是,编辑器是上下文敏感的,可以自动补全PHP控制结构、关键字和字符串分隔符。
Context-sensitive toolbars and customizable view preferences 上下文敏感的工具栏和可定制的视图首选参数
Another option is to use context-sensitive help. 另一个选择是使用上下文敏感帮助。
The Git plug-in also adds helpful aliases for common Git command combinations and context-sensitive completions for Git options. Git插件还为常用的Git命令组合创建别名,为Git选项提供上下文敏感的命令补全特性。
I'm assuming you are somewhat familiar with the support that MFC provides for context-sensitive Help. 我假定你有点不支持MFC的上下文相关的帮助提供了用户熟悉。
Generates a set of help files for context-sensitive help, available through F1 and a help menu, or a help button on a dialog box. 生成一套区分上下文帮助的帮助文件,可通过f1和“帮助”菜单或者对话框上的“帮助”按钮获得。
This is a form implementing context-sensitive help. 这是一个执行上下文相关帮助的表格。
This method allows you to further customize the context-sensitive help. 利用此方法,可以进一步自定义区分上下文的帮助。
Click the "help" button on the bottom navigation bar to access context-sensitive help. 单击底部导航栏上的“help”(帮助)按钮来访问上下文关系密切的帮助文档。
Among other things, we highlighted embedded video blocks, specialized controls and context-sensitive navigation. 除此之外,文章还强调了嵌入式视频块、专门控制和上下文关联的导航设计。
Finally, there is a help component available to allow you to provide online documentation and context-sensitive help for your application. 最后,还有一个help组件可以让您提供应用程序的联机文档和与上下文敏感的帮助。
Easy to setup and use, it also features tool tips, context-sensitive help, and automatic database backup. 易于安装和使用,此外,它还采用工具提示,上下文敏感的帮助,和自动的数据库备份。
Specifies a context ID for a topic in a Help file to provide context-sensitive Help. 为帮助文件中的一个帮助主题指定上下文标识以提供与上下文相关的帮助。
In the dialog box prompts the realization of context-sensitive style of article to help a lot of other functions. 在对话框中实现提示条风格的上下文敏感帮助其它功能多多。
Returns an object for controlling the context-sensitive help attributes for this object. 返回一个对象,用于控制该对象的区分上下文帮助属性。
In this experience, restricted choices are offered to the editor for valid context-sensitive choices according to the profile. 在这种体验中,为编辑器提供受限制的选择来根据配置文件检查上下文敏感的选项。
A Context-Sensitive Access Control Model Based on T-RBAC 一种基于T-RBAC的上下文相关访问控制模型
Comes with extensive context-sensitive help and a set of templates to build your help files. 谈到与广泛的上下文敏感的帮助和一套模板来建立您的帮助文件。
The select menu is context-sensitive. “选择”菜单与上下文相关。
Provide context-sensitive help for controls on windows forms. 为windows窗体中的控件提供区分上下文的帮助。
There is no context-sensitive help registered for this topic. 这里没有此主题的上下文帮助注册。