The main method involves obtaining random sequence reads from a genome, based on sequence overlap assembling them into contigs and determining their relative order on genome. 鸟枪法的主要方法是将测序获得大量随机DNA序列小片断,根据序列的重叠,组装成重叠群,并确定重叠群之间的相对位置关系。
In order to isolate and identify the CMS genes, we developed a new platform to construct physical map of chromosome DNA by means of restriction enzyme double digestion. The elongation of contigs is based on Southern hybridization. 在进行连锁群步移的基础上,建立了基于BAC文库、双酶切和Southern杂交的构建线粒体DNA物理图谱的体系。
7,714 contigs were obtained by assembling 13,007 expressed sequence tags ( ESTs) of Chinese cabbage and SSRs were screened from the contigs. 对大白菜13007个EST序列进行拼接共得到7714个片段重叠群(contig),从中筛选SSR标记。
The human MHC sequence and the longest contigs of human chromosomes 21 and 22 are used as examples. 我们以人类组织相容性复合体(MHC)、21和22号染色体最长的contig为研究对象。
BAC clones corresponding to telomeres, as well as to the centromere position and the gap sizes between contigs, were determined by BAC-pachytene chromosome fluorescence in situ hybridization ( FISH). 端粒克隆、着丝粒克隆以及重叠群之间空缺的大小都经过粗线期染色体荧光原位杂交鉴定。
There were 202 Uni-ESTs, which including 134 contigs and 68 singletons based on EST cluster result. 片段重叠群(contig)分析表明有202条Uni-ESTs,其中有134个重叠群和68条单拷贝序列。
The results were as follows: Primers were designed based on cattle sequences and the contigs from ESTs database of sheep, the partial fragments of three genes were isolated, and the corresponding protein sequences were deduced and compared with some of other species. 结果如下:根据牛的基因序列和绵羊ESTs数据库,设计特异性扩增引物,克隆绵羊CAST、MC4R和BTG1基因的部分序列,推导其相应的氨基酸序列,并与其它物种进行同源性分析。
We annotated the common carp contigs with Gene Ontology terms and KEGG pathways. Compared with zebrafish gene annotations, we found that a set of biological processes and pathways were enriched in common carp. 本研究还对鲤重叠群和斑马鱼基因进行了基因本体(GeneOntology,GO)和KEGG通路的功能注释,发现了一些富集在鲤中的生物过程和生物通路。
These contigs and singletons can be classified into eight groups according to the homology of their coding products to known LEA proteins. 根据其编码蛋白与已知LEA蛋白的同源性可以将这些重叠群和唯一序列分成8组。
The numbers of contigs and singletons in each of the eight groups are much different. 各组中的重叠群和唯一序列数目差异较大。