
n.  接触(近);相连;邻近,毗连;连接; 不间断或连绵不断之物



BNC.39183 / COCA.31982


  1. Contiguity of physical data or keys is important to the speed of table scans or key-index scans.
  2. The very contiguity of his enemy, beneath whatever mask the latter might conceal himself, was enough to disturb the magnetic sphere of a being so sensitive as Arthur Dimmesdale.
  3. AIM: To study the occurrence of ocular surface diseases in coal miners working under wells and to investigate the relation between xerophthalmia occurrence and smut contiguity.
  4. Scientists want to investigate the relation between xerophthalmia occurrence and smut contiguity.
  5. The contiguity of the house and the garage was a convenience in bad weather.
  6. To maintain the sea-clutter response between the contiguity sub-CPIs consistent range bins, a new interference suppression method was proposed in this paper.
  7. Seemingly, this is directly related to the differences of identities. In fact, the difference of subjectivity from equivalent identity to contiguity identity is the basic reason leading to the appearing of the three categories.
  8. Contiguity and Containment: American New Goverment's Policy to China Is in a Dilemma
  9. The Application of The Turbulent Flow Agglomeration Contiguity Flocculation Deposition Water Supply Disposal Technology in Original Water Pretreatment
  10. The complexity and diversity of kinship terms in Shanxi dialects offer us lots of precious documentaries to study the contiguity as well as amalgamation between languages or dialects further.
  11. The quantitative experimental relationships of the composition parameters with the alloy density and the specific saturation magnetization and the relations of the WC grain contiguity Cwc with other microstructure parameters in alloy were studied.
  12. The author puts forward that our country should strengthen the research in this field. And it's important to detect and evaluate the risks of the pesticide contiguity for agricultural workers.
  13. The Elementary Introduction to the Seamless Contiguity of Digital Chart
  14. At last, the magnitude of the breadth of inner boundary layer and simplified equations for inner boundary layer and eight contiguity conditions are given.
  15. Discussion on the concept of coupling and contiguity, and coupling and contiguity, and their significance in the FEA research field.
  16. Seamless Contiguity of Digital Chart
  17. The formation of hydrate is controlled by many factors, like component of gas, reaction temperature and pressure, water-gas contiguity manner, and additives, etc.
  18. In different stages of history, America's policy to China is either policy of contiguity or policy of containment.
  19. Based on the results of geophysical tests and soil samples analysis, contiguity analysis was also undertaken.
  20. Because both the similarity and contiguity of the series are considered for running-in oil selection, B-mode relational degree and the weighting combination of A-mode relational degree and absolute relational degree are all suitable.
  21. For the layered reservoir with sandstone and mudstone, the stress concentrating is normally found in the contiguity part between the casing and the joint layers of this two kinds of rocks after the plastic yielding;
  22. The similarity in distribution mode of heavy metals in intertidalite and terrestrial soil suggest that they are originated from terrestrial soil that is contiguity to the sea.
  23. The cause of this difference could be explained by the principle of contiguity in metonymy.
  24. During the coal direct liquefaction, the interface character and dispersibility of pyrite catalyst can affect the contiguity of pyrite with coal and the catalytic effect to the liquefaction reaction.
  25. Logical semantic relations such as causing, similarity, contiguity are intentional principles for discourse coherence in this respect; image schemas, recurring patterns in human minds, are the intermediary between language and cognition, reflecting human perception and experience.
  26. Due to the objectivity of contiguity, there is more restriction on metonymy than on metaphor. Thereupon Chinese death euphemisms formed through the way of metonymy are in a relatively smaller number.
  27. The notion of contiguity is very important in the definitions of metonymy.
  28. The key difference between metaphor and metonymy is that metaphor base on similarity and metonymy base on contiguity.
  29. Control group: four weeks, the cartilage gradually ossified, 8 weeks, and basically complete the restoration, new small vascular proliferation obviously, the trabecular bone arranged contiguity orderly, and 12 weeks when fully mature bone tissue replacement, and ends no boundaries.



  1. the attribute of being so near as to be touching

      Synonym:    adjacencycontiguousness