
adj.  连(继,持)续的;延长的; (非限制性关系从句)接续的



  1. It is a historic process of gradual development which is both continuative and multistage.
  2. According to the practical requirement, a continuative tubing length measuring device is developed.
  3. Working under the direction of the idea of quality education and health first, and insisting the sports educational way of which the continuative development educational idea is the central, is the basic way of the high ph. education reform and development in the future.
  4. Further experimental results showed that the inoculating bacteria number, pH of HPAM solution and the continuative activating times all affected the degradation of HPAM.
  5. Study on automatic and continuative monitoring system of fault gases
  6. The continuative development education idea is new, and it is important for the scientific location and develop-ment of the high physical education to establish this idea.
  7. Varied trend of pollution index is forecast so that pollution can be avoided and environmental protection and the harmonious development of the economy can be promoted. It also provides some favorable conditions of resources and environment for continuative development of gold mine.
  8. Experiment Study of Thermal State Continuative Feeding Coking using Direct Liquefaction Residue
  9. This paper analyzed some cases and problems laboratory at new age and put forward some propositions for keeping up continuative development.
  10. The accelerant in continuative electrolyte could improve current efficiency and accelerate the deposition of coating.
  11. Urban continuative design is a new topic in mod-ern urban design. This essay brings forward its conception;
  12. This thesis introduced the new tendency of Canadian environment and continuative development policy, mainly as below: The continuative development is not just the ideal target, but also is the fundament of setting public policy;
  13. In this paper, an orthogonalized isoparametric local average model for 2-D continuative stationary random fields is proposed. This model is used in Neumann stochastic finite element method.
  14. In this paper, the continuative extraction method and principle for the kinetic analysis of P supplying characteristics of different soil were established.
  15. Vocational education should break through the chain of normal education and spread into continuative education;
  16. The establishment of the continuative extraction kinetic analysis on P supplying characteristics of different soils
  17. The tidal flat of China is a reserve land resources which increases at all times and has a potentiality of continuative expanding.
  18. With the development of modern enterprises, public relations are no longer a way for external drumbeating, but an administrant form an enterprise is pressed for during the course of continuative development.
  19. Regarding to the related wild species domestic animals not just the continuative varieties of them, but also possesses good complementarity with them and superiority in sustainable use.
  20. The continuative route's setting in the H 20-20 switch and analysis the correlative problems
  21. Depending on scientific progression and scientific technique innovation as the support of environment and continuative development policy;
  22. It is required for continuative development to set forth the mode development of recycling economy, which is an advisable choice adapting to China's actual national situation, and also the normal demand of scientific development attitude.
  23. The paper points out that the optimization design of the continuative transport system in mine is realized by means of adopting direct seeking method& the dynamic computer simulation of cutting and transport systems in mine.
  24. Redundancy optimization Research for Bunkering Capacity of Continuative Transport System in Mine
  25. With the continuative development of economy and standard of living in China, personal asset has much improved, and the individual credit demand also has greatly increased. "Credit consumption" enters our life gradually.
  26. Therefore, how to correctly deal with this severe problem faced by the Chinese banking sector at present will have the direct relationships with the future healthful, continuative and fast development of Chinese economy.
  27. So if we can supply the correct data to continuative process, we can increase the precision of the process and guarantee the quantity of taking shape.
  28. So the numerical value of the split width will be calculated, and we can supply the correct data to the continuative process. 4.
  29. Based on that, coatings with excellent properties could be attained by the continuative plating on the nickel film.



  1. an uninflected function word that serves to conjoin words or phrases or clauses or sentences

      Synonym:    conjunctionconjunctiveconnective