I had to admire the contortions of the gymnasts. 我不得不为这些体操运动员们高难度的扭体动作而赞叹。
The acrobat went through various contortions. 卖艺人把身体作出各种扭歪的姿态。
For a slice, you might use the itertools. islice() function, wrapped up in contortions. 对于切片,可以按照特殊方式使用itertools.islice()函数。
The@ arg_sayer() example goes through a lot of contortions to obtain a rather limited result, but it is worthwhile for the several things it illustrates @argsayer()绕了很多弯路,但只获得非常有限的结果,不过对于它所阐明的几方面来说,这是值得的
With enough contortions, you can get an item for every type of sequence/ iterator. 对于每种序列/迭代器类型,只要费一番功夫,总能够获得其中的特定条目。
Ben Gunn was on deck alone, and, as soon as we came on board, he began, with wonderful contortions, to make us a confession. 甲板上只有本-刚恩一个人。我们刚上船,他便愁容满面地向我们忏悔。
These contortions, negations of beauty, betray so much solitude that one must ask oneself if the physiognomy of sadness is not a mode of objectifying death in life. 这些扭曲,美的否定,巨大孤独的背叛,使人不禁要问自己,悲伤的面容难道不是死亡客观化的一种模式吗?
But pearl, not a whit startled at her mother's threats, any more than mollified by her entreaties, now suddenly burst into a fit of passion, gesticulating violently, and throwing her small figure into the most extravagant contortions. 珠儿刚才对她母亲的请求无动于衷,此时对母亲的吓唬也毫不惊惶;却突然大发脾气,做出激烈的姿态,把她小小的身躯弄得七扭八歪。
But it is a compelling example of the diplomatic contortions the Treasury Department must undergo to keep its biggest customer happy. 但是,这次引人注目的事件是财政部为了使他最大的客户开心而必须做的外交妥协。
The first thing an astute reader will have noticed is that my sample application went through some odd contortions to get its input data. 聪明的读者首先会注意到,我的样本应用程序通过一些不常见的、过于复杂的方法来获取其输入数据。
He tried to guess how the strata behaved at the time the contortions formed. 他试图推断地层在扭曲形成时是如何变化的。
Their bodily gyrations and contortions fascinated him. 他们身体的旋转和扭曲使他看得入迷。
He apparently believes his own contortions of the truth. 他显然相信自己对事实的理解。
Despite these contortions, the ICC still has popular support in Kenya. 尽管有这些曲解,icc在肯尼亚还是拥有广泛支持。