Experts point out that even if the popular contraceptives increase the risk of HIV, there are also risks to increased pregnancies. 专家指出,即使普通避孕药会增加艾滋病毒感染风险,也增加了怀孕的风险。
Health groups have been promoting the use of injectable contraceptives as an easy and cost-effective form of birth control. 作为既简单又具备成本效益的避孕方式,卫生组织一直推广避孕针剂的实用。
She found that metformin, an insulin sensitizer called pioglitazone and flutamide taken together performed better than oral contraceptives. 她发现,二甲双胍、胰岛素增敏剂?格列酮和氟他胺一起服用的效果好于口服避孕药。
Gates also spoke about her number-one priority: the importance of family planning and contraceptives. 梅琳达还谈到了她认为最需要优先做的事:计划生育和避孕用品。
Oral contraceptives appeared to actually worsen the girls 'metabolic abnormalities. 口服避孕药似乎还加重了女孩的代谢异常。
Community health workers initiated the use of injectable contraceptives for the first time. 社区卫生工作者开始首次倡导使用注射性避孕用具。
The researchers will next examine growth hormone and weight training in women who are using oral contraceptives. 研究者会研究生长激素和负重训练变化关系在口服避孕药妇女中的表现。
The relationship between oral contraceptives and stroke has been studied and debated for decades, and studies have yielded conflicting results. 口服避孕药与中风的关系的研究和争论持续了几十年,研究结果尚存在争议。
Objective For improving the effectiveness of contraceptives and reducing unattended pregnancies as well as induced abortions. 目的增加避孕药具的使用,减少非意愿妊娠和人工流产方法应用流行病学方法。
Both these studies confirmed that the risk of adverse cardiovascular outcomes for Yasmin does not differ from those associated with the use of other oral contraceptives. 这两项研究都证明了优思明和其他口服避孕药相比,其相关的心血管不良事件的风险并无差异。
Modern contraceptives, and labour-saving appliances, make it easier for them to take paid work. 现代避孕产品的发展和减少体力劳动的高科技,是她们更容易获得有报酬的工作。
Like more traditional sex education guides, it encourages demonstrations about how to use condoms and other contraceptives. 像更多的传统性教育指导书一样,它鼓励示范如何使用安全套和其它的避孕用品。
He has received fees or grants from several companies that make oral contraceptives. 他已获由数家生产口服避孕药公司提供的研究基金。
Now the production of contraceptives in China has basically become self-sufficient. 中国的避孕药具供应已基本做到了自给。
Do not know what you eat contraceptives? 不知道你吃的什么避孕药?
During this period of contraceptive methods should be no intrauterine IUD and oral contraceptives to the use of condoms and diaphragms appropriate. 在这期间的避孕方法,应尽量不用宫内节育环和口服避孕药,以采用避孕套和阴道隔膜为宜。
They expected the society could provide them knowledge education, counseling services and contraceptives provision. 认为社会应该提供的服务包括进行知识教育、提供咨询和提供避孕药具。
A blackboard and piece of chalk can be as influential as antibiotics and contraceptives in protecting health. 在保护健康上,教育与抗生素和避孕药相比具有同样的影响力。
Relevant departments have the duty to provide couples at the child-bearing age with safe and effective contraceptives and techniques and ensure that women taking birth control measures are safe and healthy. 有关部门有义务为育龄夫妇提供安全、有效的避孕药具和技术,保障实施节育手术的妇女的安全和健康。
Although oral contraceptives in ordinary pharmacy and you can easily get, but must know they are prescription drugs. 虽然口服避孕药在普通药店就能很容易地获得,但须知道它们都是处方药。
Anemia due to folic acid deficiency is common in pregnant women, especially those who have taken oral contraceptives. 因叶酸缺乏而引起的贫血在孕妇中也很常见同,尤其是口服避孕药服用者。
HIV risk also appeared to increase in women who took contraceptives in pill form. 在口服避孕药的女性中,艾滋病毒感染风险也有所提升。
Men supported modern contraceptives once they understood contraceptive safety, effectiveness and non-harmful side-effects. 一旦男性了解到避孕是安全、有效且无副作用的,那么他们就会支持现代避孕措施。
This may be explained by increased maternal literacy and a big rise in the use of contraceptives. 这一状况可以孕产妇文化水平的提高和使用避孕措施的大量增加得以解释。
Several new contraceptives that rely on steroid hormones are in the works to reduce sperm production in men. 目前的几种避孕药靠使用类固醇激素来减少男子精子生成。
Case Control Study of Oral Contraceptives and Onset Risk of Women Hypertension 口服避孕药和妇女高血压发病风险的病例对照研究
Patient: I would like to have some contraceptives. 我希望要些避孕药。
Oral contraceptives are readily available. 口服避孕药容易得到。