
英 [ˌkɒntrəˈdɪktəriz] 美 [ˌkɑntrəˈdɪktəriz]

网络  矛盾或对立的词; 是矛盾关系; 矛盾; 矛盾或对立词


  1. Identity and struggle of opposites relativity of the identity of contradictories
  2. The structural contradictories among the college graduates'employment have gradually formed the group of job-waiting college graduates, which have aroused people's close attention and exploration.
  3. Legislative Comments on the Principle of Dividing Responsibilities, Coordinating Efforts and Checking Each Other interdependence of the contradictories
  4. Do not take to heart everything you hear, or your life would be filled with more contradictories.
  5. Two propositions are contradictories if both cannot be true ( or both cannot be false) at the same time.
  6. Absoluteness of the struggle of contradictories
  7. With China entrance WTO, the impacts of the contradictories will be getting severe in the future.
  8. Mutual penetration of the contradictories
  9. Social problems and social contradictories emerge in an endless stream and social trust problems and social trust crisis are gradually to be highlights.
  10. The economic globalization is the process that is full of contradictories and conflicts, including the contradictories of globalization and localization, integration and diversification, new-economy and old-economy, economic growth and global problems& crises, hegemonism and national equality, etc.
  11. Join WTO was beneficial to make China's market reform faster and solve the deep level contradictories.
  12. The Characteristics and the Economic Analysis of Social Contradictories Present in China
  13. Analysis on Four Contradictories of Real Estate Appraising Theory
  14. The system of the section layer sank into the strange circle of bureaucracy, the public policies lack enough strength to bear a large number of society requirements, and can not make the adjudication with the too many contradictories and public problems.
  15. The Analysis of Faith Contradictories in the Commodity Economy Epoch
  16. From the perspective of the entropy law, analyzing the building of a socialist harmonious society undoubtedly will be the new thinking that helps to resolve the contradictories in building a socialist harmonious society.
  17. This paper defines the meaning of harmony first, that it is a dynamic process, which is the intergrowth and coexistence of contradictories.
  18. The development of capitalistic economic factors caused the patency and intensification of a series of social contradictories.
  19. The solutions to these conflicts and contradictories constitute participation-model-management.
  20. On the Contradictories and Problems Associated with Gradual Reform
  21. To solve the above contradictories, the main resolvent is to establish Medical Inspection On-line Intelligence Analyzing System.
  22. As the standard and method in present evaluation system of China is oversimplified, it is deviated from the complexity of scientific activity and evaluation work in nature. There are many problems and contradictories in practice of evaluation.
  23. The transformation is full of contradictories and conflicts, also meets many setbacks, and presents defects, but the direction of the transformation is collect.
  24. Analysis of the gambling focuses on contradictories during the development of renewable energy in our country
  25. Kinds of conflicts from the mountain area forestry's operation, lead to varieties of contradictories by mountain area inhabitants 'exploiting the forest resources non-sustainable.
  26. The outlook of value and the way of thinking not only promote Chinese national interests and respond and dissolve various conflicts and contradictories, but also are helpful in breeding the idea of global community and in realizing the harmonious development of the international society.
  27. The agricultural extension which is being used now in China remains the traditional agrotechnical extension. With the establishment and development of market economy system, the agrotechnical extension faces many contradictories and limitations.
  28. Through build a sound mechanism to the Interest-expressing in order to resolving rural contradictories which is the needs of building a harmonious society, which is the needs of building a new countryside and achieving social fairness and justice.
  29. But at the same time, there were still some social contradictories and the urban-rural disparity is most serious one among them.
  30. Chinese traditional mode of industrialization is extensive, it is at the cost of lots of consuming of resources, the damage of environment. Resulting in a lot of the contradictories on the recourses, environment and social development.