Contrariwise, it is true that every time you acquire a new interest even more, a new accomplishment you increase your power of life. 但反过来说,每当你获得一种新的兴趣甚至一项新的造诣你就增长了你的生活本领。
But, unluckily for her ladyship, its effect had been exactly contrariwise. 不过,也是老夫人该倒霉,效果恰恰相反。
I sent for thee to curse my enemies: and thou contrariwise blessest them. 我叫你来是为咒骂我的仇敌,你反而祝福!
So that contrariwise ye ought rather to forgive him, and comfort him, lest perhaps such a one should be swallowed up with overmuch sorrow. 倒不如赦免他,安慰他,免得他忧愁太过,甚至沉沦了。
Contrariwise, we can also get to know the structural changes of the products, which may help to improve the device of the products. 反之,亦可得出产品在这个过程中的结构变化,对产品本身的结构设计有很好的借鉴作用。
He gives permission, and, contrariwise, she refuses it. 他同意,与此相反,她表示拒绝。
The male classmate who fails in the game must give a female classmate a sweet and invite her to give a performance ( contrariwise). 要一个在游戏中输的男同学拿一块糖,送给一位女同学,并请她表演一个节目(反之亦然)。
Not rendering evil for evil, or railing for railing: but contrariwise blessing; knowing that ye are thereunto called, that ye should inherit a blessing. 不要以恶报恶,以辱骂还辱骂,倒要祝福。因你们是为此蒙召,好叫你们承受福气。
They know they're not allowed to park there, but, contrariwise, they always do. 他们明知不准在那里停车,却偏偏总要把车停在那里。
But contrariwise, when they saw that the gospel of the uncircumcision was committed unto me, as the gospel of the circumcision was unto Peter; 反倒看见了主托我传福音给那未受割礼的人,正如托彼得传福音给那受割礼的人。
We write from left to right, he writes contrariwise. 我们从左向右写,而他正相反。
If C/ N0 was increased, the noise would decrease, contrariwise noise will increase, and the noise will exceed the threshold, then the loop will be lost. 如果C/N0增大,热噪声会相应下降,反之,热噪声会随之增大,从而可能会超出门限值,使跟踪环失锁。
Under the condition of technology level and management level, economic limited line declines with oil price increasing, contrariwise it increases. 在技术水平、管理水平一定的条件下,油田开发经济界限值随着油价的升高而降低,反之,则升高。
The results showed that the strain which had greater maltose fermentation ability was quicker when fermenting plain doughs, and contrariwise, it was slower. 结果表明,在8株供试的面包酵母菌中,麦芽糖发酵力较强的菌株在无糖面团中的起发速度较快,反之则较慢。
As education achieves its aim by cultural transmission, culture contrariwise influences, controls and intervenes the educational aim. Therefore, the educational aim can not leave the demand of culture. 因为教育是靠传递文化来实现其目的的,反过来文化又影响教育,文化控制或干扰教育目的,所以教育目的离不开文化的要求。
The terrain is more rugged and they remove to further places to work and contrariwise. 地形越崎岖,越到较远的地方打工,反之亦然。