They wear simple clothes and shun modern contrivances 他们衣着简朴,不使用那些现代的发明物。
Moreover, continued the Sophists, human laws were clearly not part of nature, but were instead man-made contrivances and conventions. 另外,智者派还认为,人类的法则明显不属于自然法则,而是人为的规定或习俗。
I set about improvising some makeshift contrivances. 我开始凑合着做几件临时用用的装置。
The evils latent in the most promising contrivances are provided for as they arise; 最有希望的发明当它们问世时就带着潜在的邪恶。
It was always odious to her to have any small fears or contrivances about her actions. 她的行动哪怕有一丝一毫的顾虑和虚伪,都会引起她的反感。
Old Tom is full of contrivances. 老汤姆满脑子都是技巧。
Laws, he suggests, are but contrivances which the weak impose in order to keep the naturally superior from holding them in subjection. Organization of the Oppressed of the World 柏拉图认为,法律是弱者为防止受到天生的强者的压迫而制定出来的。全世界被压迫者组织
In our dearth of ack-ack guns all sorts of contrivances were used. 在缺少高射炮的时候,我们利用了各种各样的巧妙方法。
Her accomplice suffered for his share in the escape, notwithstanding his timid contrivances. 她的同谋者,尽管想出了他那怯懦的策略,为了这件逃脱的事还是吃了苦头。
They are not mere stylistic contrivances, but evolutionary adaptations to the transcendent needs of human beings – they form the genius loci. 那不是纯粹风格上的发明物,而是适应众多人类需求的进化物&他们形成了场所精神。
Convex quays for larger ships are only practical when floating fenders or other contrivances are used. 用于停泊大型船只的凸形堤岸式码头只有在有沉浮式防冲材或者其他设施的情况下才能使用。
Talking about the Compiling Contrivances of the Mathematical Applied Questions 数学应用问题的编制策略例谈