Continuous mechanical handling equipment Belt conveyors with carrying idlers Calculation of operation power and tensile forces GB/T17119-1997连续搬运设备带承载托辊的带式输送机运行功率和张力的计算
Due to plot area limitations, vendor is requested to make a recommendation for either sloped or vertical conveyors. 由于规划区域的局限性,供应商建议采用倾斜输送机或立式输送机。
Application: It is proper for conveying among belt conveyors; even tiny objects will not be lost. 用途:适用于皮带输送机之间,细小物件传送百接不落。
Critical Control Points-can seamers, bakery ovens, conveyors and the like-are of particular concern. 其中,一些关键控制点-如食品罐锁边机、烤炉和传输机等处-都值得我们加以特别注意。
Design and Application of Belt Speed Detected System of Belt Conveyors 带式输送机带速检测系统的设计应用
It comes to a conclusion that the combined parabola acceleration is the optimum one to limit dynamic tension and elastic vibration of large belt conveyors during starting. 提出了采用抛物线组合加速度控制曲线起动是限制大型带式输送机动张力和弹性振动的最佳方案。
Flat flex belts can be made for straight conveyors and for curve conveyors. 乙型网带可以用于直线输送机,也可以用于转弯输送机。
Mesh belt conveyors: mesh belt is a metal or steel mesh belt conveyor carrier as a delivery device. 是采用金属网带或塑钢网带作为输送载体的一种输送设备。
Screw conveyors also require a motor or other drive to power the motion of the screw. 螺旋输送器也要求一个马达或其他驱动供给螺丝的行动动力。
The plough-type steel belt discharger is applicable to material discharge of all material conveyors. 本实用新型犁式钢制皮带卸料器适用于一切物料输送机的卸料场合。
Installed at the end of the belt conveyors, detect by a photocell broken bags. 该探测器安装在传送带的末端,通过光电池探测坏袋。
Introduced a new type of idler named centrifugal back idler used in coal mine belt conveyors. 介绍了煤矿用带式输送机的一种新型逆止托辊-离心式逆止托辊。
You can choose plane-surface belt conveyor, shelf-board chain belt conveyor or other conveyors according to the field situation. 根据现场情况可选择平面皮带输送机以及搁板式链条皮带输送机等;
XCQ Planetary Gear Soft Start on Application of Belt Conveyors XCQ行星软起动传动装置在带式输送机上的应用
The airport will be equipped with passenger bridges, escalators, conveyors and flight information display system. 该机场将装备登机桥,自动扶梯,运输机,以及航班信息显示系统。
ACSI offers a wide range of products from simple gravity conveyors up to and including large, complex distribution systems, with high speed sortation equipment and controlling devices. ACSI提供了从简单的重力输送机和包括大型,复杂的产品分配系统,高速分拣设备和控制设备。
Self-aligning ball bearings are primarily used in agricultural machinery, conveyors, simple woodworking machines and fans. 调心球最初是运用在农业机器,传送机,简单的木工机械和风机。
This paper briefly introduced the principle and the technical characteristics of some common soft start device and effects on belt conveyors. 简要介绍几种常用的软启动装置的工作原理、特性和在带式输送机上的使用效果。
To avoid possible condensation, all conveyors and bins which come into contract with the recirculate are insulated and heated. 为了避免发生冷凝现象,所有和再循环气体接触的输送机和仓室都被加热并且是绝缘的。
Pivot-bucket conveyor-elevator chain, scraper, for elevators or conveyors 枢轴吊斗提升输送机升降机或输送机链板
Classification and Feature Analysis of Belt Conveyors for Enclosed Conveying 密闭输送带式输送机的分类及特性分析
Oil Droplets can fling off machinery in fast-moving applications or grease can drip from bearings or conveyors. 一方面润滑油雾珠可从设备中以很快的速度飞出,另一方面,润滑脂也可以从轴承或传输机中滴落。
A brief description of the operating principle, features and application of automatic hydraulic tensioning devices for belt conveyors is given, which is a guide to using them correctly in coal mine. 介绍了一种以液压油缸为执行元件的新型无极绳牵引车的自动张紧装置,并对其系统的结构和工作原理进行了分析。
Roller and Skate Wheel Conveyors. 滚筒和溜冰鞋轮子运送装置。
It has been pointed out that the design of key parts for great belt conveyors by using of the method of non-standardized design. 文章阐述了应用非标准化设计方法解决大型带式输送机关键零部件的设计问题。
Use roller conveyors for work sites in which objects of various shape are conveyed irregularly. 使用辊式输送机可配合不同的工作场中所需要的形状而作出不规则传送。
Sandwich high angle belt conveyors has turned into versatile conveying system in high-angle or vertical elevating materials. 压带带式输送机广泛应用于大倾角输送或垂直提升物料的连续输送系统中。
Pasta processing plants-Spreader, stripping and cutting machines, stick return conveyors, stick magazines-Safety and hygiene requirements; 面食加工设备。成条机、脱皮机和切割机、胶质料运送带、胶质料料斗。安全性和卫生要求。
Those stacks can then be sent to automatic baggers or onto conveyors. 然后这些堆积将送往自动装袋机或传送机。