In every one of her pictures she conveys a sense of immediacy 她拍的每一张照片中都传递出一种临场感,使人有如亲临现场。
The length of a paragraph depends on the information it conveys. 段落的长短取决于它所传达的信息量。
This aria expresses ( or conveys) the resolve and aspiration ideals of a pioneer. 这一唱段抒发了一个开拓者的壮志豪情。
This train conveys over one thousand passengers every day. 这列火车每天运送一千多位旅客。
Poetry conveys ideas by means of images. 诗歌运用形象思维达意。
The gift itself may be light as a goose feather; but sent from afar, it conveys deep feeling. 千里送鹅毛,礼轻情意重。
This train conveys passengers to london. 这次列车把旅客运往伦敦。
This is a poem that perfectly conveys to the readers what the poet feels. 这是一首向读者充分地表达出诗人思想感情的诗篇。
The firm conveys goods to all parts of the country. 这个公司向全国各地发送货物。
I think this conveys a completely different ambiance and context for discussions. 我认为这传达了一种完全不同的讨论氛围。
The style conveys a distinct mixture of sadness, pain, nostalgia, happiness and love. 这种形式明显表现出悲伤,痛苦,怀旧,幸福感和爱的混合。
It also conveys a feeling of loyalty, integrity, and dependability. 这种颜色同时也传达出忠实、诚信和可靠的讯息。
The voice conveys the common wish and the lofty idea of mankind. 呼声传达了一种普通的愿望和人类的崇高理想。
This logo conveys an idea of people connecting with each other. 这个标志表达出人和人彼此之间的联系。
This poem conveys that he loved nature deeply. 这首诗表达了他封自然的热爱。
I hope this conveys my thoughts with clarity. 我希望这些话,清楚的表达了我的思想。
Your music conveys a lot of hope. it's not cynical. 你们音乐里传达了许多希望。它并不那么愤世嫉俗。
I hope the book's subtitle ( design patterns) conveys that. 我希望本书的副标题(设计模式)传达了这一信息。
Literature conveys the value of art through thinking and imagination about words. 文学通过对文字的思考和想象来传达艺术的价值。
It is an expression that conveys the unique cultural quality and elegance of Chinese civilization. 它是一种表情,传递着华夏文明所独具的人文特质和优雅品格。
It encapsulates information and conveys it across time and space. 它凝聚着信息和传达它横跨时间和空间。
In the process that conveys a language, need complex and intense thinking activity to participate in as much. 在表达语言的过程中,也同样需要复杂而紧张的思维活动参和。
It also conveys the message of a Green Olympics, a High-tech Olympics and the People's Olympics. 同时它也传递了绿色奥运、科技奥运及人文奥运的信息。
With parody, donald Barthelme in "the glass mountain" vividly conveys his deep concern for and profound thinking on language and society and life. 摘要在“玻璃山”中,巴塞尔姆运用戏仿的手法生动地传达了他对语言和社会人生的深刻思索和深切关注。
Her letter conveys that she has a warm heart. 他的信表达了他有一颗热心肠。
People-oriented, this is Nokia's commitment to consumers, but also conveys the brand concept of being customer-oriented. 这既是诺基亚向消费者给出的承诺,也传达了顾客至上的品牌概念。
In my opinion that is what the spirit PK advocates and conveys. 我认为这正是PK所倡导和承载的精神所在。
Any place related to customers conveys information, so pay attention to your words and language. 任何与客户能够接触到的地方都在传达信息,必须要注意使用的文字和语言。
Shape your narrative so that it clearly conveys a perspective or central idea. 将你的叙事建立成可以清楚表达一个观点或一个中心想法。
The choice is uncomfortable for me because none of these phrases accurately conveys my sense of the therapeutic relationship. 这种选择对我来说很不舒服,因为这里面没有一组能准确传达我对治疗关系的感觉。