旋花科植物 a wild plant with triangular leaves and flowers that are shaped like trumpets . It climbs up walls, fences, etc. and twists itself around other plants.
Any of various trailing or twining, often weedy plants of the genera Calystegia and Convolvulus, having white, pink, or purple bell-shaped or funnel-shaped flowers. You ( or One) cannot make a silk purse out of a sow's ear 旋花一种蔓生或缠绕的打碗花属和旋花属的蔓延植物,开白色、粉色或紫色钟状或漏斗形的花
The direction of rotation is often constant in a species; for example, Convolvulus always rotates in an anticlockwise direction. 在特定的物种中旋转的方向是恒定的,例如旋花科植物总是逆时针方向旋转。
Convolvulus cneorum cultivation notes: Convolvulus prefers a well drained soil-flourishing in sandy or chalky soils. 栽培本种要注意的地方:本种喜排水良好的土壤,在砂质或石灰质土壤中生长良好。
Studies on burgeon characteristic of Convolvulus arvensis seed and investigation on rule of seedling Sprouting investigation on Pinellia ternate ( Thunb.) Breit collections originated from different places 田旋花种子发芽特性研究与实生苗出苗规律的调查不同来源地半夏出苗规律的研究
Study on Special Fertilizer on Water Convolvulus by Hydroponics 蕹菜水培专用肥研究
Influence of Spraying Zn on Yield and Intramatrical Zn Concentration of Water Convolvulus 喷锌对蕹菜锌含量及产量的影响
Ultrastructure of mature embryo sac of Convolvulus arvensis 田旋花胚囊超微结构研究
The integrated analysis of all indices indicated that in the different N level eutrophic water, the purification effect of water convolvulus was the best, water dropwort and watercress take second place, celery place in the center, leek was worst. 各项指标综合分析表明,对不同N水平的富营养化水体处理中,水蕹菜处理效果最好,水芹、豆瓣菜次之,芹菜居中,韭菜最差。