She grasped Marius'hand convulsively with her pierced hand, but she no longer seemed to feel her sufferings. 她用她那只穿了孔的手痉挛地抓住马吕斯的手,好象已不再感到疼痛了。
How many times had his refractory thoughts rattled convulsively in his throat, under the evidence of duty! 多少次,他执拗的思想在无可否认的职责前痉挛地辗转不安!
Suddenly, without himself knowing how it happened, he found himself near the door; he grasped the knob convulsively; the door opened. 忽然,连他自己也不知道他是怎样到了门边。他紧张万分地握住那门钮,门开了。
This man was sobbing and choking convulsively. 那个人抽泣着,哽咽着。
'After such a declaration, wheezing sounds would be heard; and the Major's blue would deepen into purple, while his eyes strained and started convulsively. 在这样的声明之后,可以听到呼哧呼哧喘气的声音,少校的脸也会从青色转变为更深的紫色,他的眼睛则会痉挛性地睁大、鼓出。
The Study on Anorectal Dynamics in Patients with Internal Rectal Prolapse and Pelvic Floor Dyssynergia; Her thin shoulders were shaking convulsively in hysteria. 直肠内脱垂和盆底痉挛的肛直肠动力学研究她瘦削的双肩在歇斯底里发作时痉挛地颤动着。
Shaking convulsively or violently. 痉挛性地或猛烈地摇晃。
This time he fell on his knees, and, clasping his hands convulsively, uttered a prayer intelligible to God alon. 这次,他跪了下来,作了一个只有上帝知道的祷告。
Carlini's teeth clinched convulsively. 卡烈尼拚命咬紧牙。
Her leg twitched convulsively. 她的腿痉挛性地抽搐。
For a moment he convulsively pressed his head within his hands, and during that brief period he became nearly mad with terror; 他痉挛地把他的头在自己的双手里埋了一会儿,在那一刹那间,他几乎吓得发疯;
She gave a sad smile, and kissed me convulsively for the last time. 她苦笑了一下,最后又非常、非常热烈地吻了我一次。
She stroked him convulsively, blind and deaf and dumb to the world around them, to the storm building outside the warm little cabin. 她抽动的手指划着他,他们周围的世界顿时变得冥暗寂寥,温暖的小茅屋外蕴蓄着暴风。
His eyes, wide and wet, at last flashed fiercely on her; his breast heaved convulsively. 他睁大着双眼,含着泪水,终于猛地向她一闪,胸口激动地起伏着。
He remained clinging convulsively to the ladder and feeling so limp that he was unable to go down any further for several minutes. 他抽筋似地紧抱着梯子,四肢瘫软,好几分钟都不能再往下爬一步。
She pressed hex fingers together convulsively as she held them clasped in her lap. 她把手放在腿上,手指交叉,痉挛地紧握着。
"I will not go, by God!" he swore, as he felt her clasp convulsively strengthen at the summons. “上帝呀,我不会走!”他发誓,那时他感觉到她拥抱的力量在痉挛中增强。
His hands contract convulsively, they close, and grasp nothingness. 他的手痉挛,握着的是虚空。
To breathe convulsively or laboriously. 剧烈地、吃力地喘气。
With this irrepressible ebullition of mirth, Master Bates laid himself flat on the floor: and kicked convulsively for five minutes, in an ectasy of facetious joy. 这股子高兴劲儿来势迅猛,贝兹少爷一下子倒在地上,乐不可支地又蹬又踢,折腾了五分钟。