The film's ending is an unsatisfactory cop-out. 电影回避式的结局让人不满。
Be honest and give a real answer and not a cop-out one. 请诚实回答不要逃避。
Any hard decisions have been given to a commission& a cop-out that condemns workers and firms to more crippling uncertainty about how the country's fiscal mess will be tackled. 任何艰难的决定都推给了委员会&这种逃避行为迫使工人和企业越发不确定该国的财政混乱局面将如何收拾。
But it has the disadvantage of being a shameful cop-out as if you are forecasting it is your job to imagine those ways – and to tell us what they are. 但它的缺点在于它逃避了应尽的责任:如果你要作预测,就该由你来想象这些方式,并告诉我们这些方式是什么。
While we usually think of it as a cop-out, a way for someone to spare our feelings, the reality is that it is actually true. 通常我们认为这种说法是一种逃避,也是一种舒缓我们感受的方式,而事实上这说法确实是对的。
That is an unbelievable cop-out! 你这算是什么藉口!
I thought the end of the film was a bit of a cop-out. 我觉得电影的结局有点避重就轻。
Jimmy was known to the team as a cop-out because he never showed up for important games. 队里都知道吉米是个喜欢临阵脱逃的人,凡是重要比赛都不见他人影。
It's easy to adopt either of these analyses, but perhaps each is a bit of a cop-out. 我们可以很容易地从这些分析中找到自己认可的一种,但也许每一种分析都有一点站不住脚。
Saying "but its REST" and claiming that everything will be dynamic is a cop-out and it really just means you are lazy. 说“但这是REST”(译者注:言外之意是这不是SOA)并声称所有的事情将是动态的,这样的说法就是一种借口,而实际上只能说明你懒。
In the end the G20 avoided public disagreement only by backing away from binding goals and resorting to a familiar cop-out: punting the issue to the International Monetary Fund. 最终G20之所以没有产生公开分歧,一是因为绕开了具有约束力的目标,二是因为又使出了惯用的逃避手段&把问题踢给了国际货币基金组织(IMF)。
And, besides, many feel it's a cop-out. 此外,许多人认为这是一种逃避。
Telling him you're ill sounds like a cop-out to me. 跟他说你病了在我扣起来像是借口。
He said: It's a cop-out if you ask me. 他说:这是一个认罪,如果你问我。
Alternative energy sounds like a cop-out. 替代能源听起来像个幌子。
Instead of camping they stayed in a hotel; what a cop-out! 们没有去野营,而是呆在旅店里;放弃了多可惜啊!
Wu: So the cop-out way of naming is deliberately made. 巫:所以这种虚晃一枪式的起名方法是有意为之的。
That's just a cop-out. Just be brave and tell the truth. 那只是借口,勇敢一点实话实说。
To pin the blame on culture is the ultimate cop-out. 把责任推给文化是最站不住脚的借口。
Jury thinks that's a cop-out. 陪审团认为那是托词。
Most of the enterprise implementation process to the end into a "cop-out" oreven "settle a matter by leaving it unsettled" embarrassing position. 大多数企业的实施过程到最后都陷入了虎头蛇尾甚至不了了之的尴尬境地。