20. The term of our copartnership with Messrs. Shiba& co., of Kobe, having expired on the 30th April, it was decided that the same should not be renewed. 20、本公司与神户芝公司的伙伴关系于4月30日期满。我们决定不再延续。
Notice is hereby given that the copartnership which has existed between Mr. Black and Mr. Brown under the style of Black, Brown& Co., has been dissolved by agreement. 伯来克先生与勃朗先生合伙经营的黑褐公司经双方同意宣告解散,特此通知。
Our Confederacy is perfectly illustrated by the terms and principles governing a common copartnership. 我们的联盟由管理一个共同合作关系的条件和原则来完善阐明。
We inform you of an alteration that is to take place in the name and copartnership of this firm on july lst. 兹订于7月1日,我公司将改变名称与组织,特此通知。
The work of gaining salvation is one of copartnership, a joint operation. 得救的工夫乃是一种神人合作共同进行的工夫。
The term of our copartnership with Messrs.M.& Co., of O.having expired on the31st December last, it was decided by consent of all the parties concerned, that the same should not be renewed. 我方与O市之M公司所签定的合伙关系,迄12月31日届满,兹经全部合伙人协商同意该合伙协定不再延续。
The copartnership of the two companys was seen as the most successful market conformity case for the moment in our country. 湖南卫视与蒙牛集团的合作被视为目前国内最成功的市场整合营销案例。