An odor of copperas issued in puffs from the roofs of the neighboring factory. 阵阵硫酸化合物的气味从附近一家工厂的房顶上冒出来。
After completion of laconic epistolary compositions she abandoned the implement of calligraphy in the encaustic pigment, exposed to the corrosive action of copperas, green vitriol and nutgall. 写完一篇书简体短文后,她就把书写用具丢在蜡画颜料里,任其暴露在硫酸亚铁、绿矾和五倍子中去腐蚀。
Anaerobic step, auxiliary treatment with CO_2 and larger amount of copperas supply enhanced Cr stabilization; 厌氧阶段的设置、CO2的辅助处理、提高绿矾的用量都有助于Cr的稳定化;
Chromium-Containing Wastewater Treatment by Copperas Byproduct in Titanium Dioxide Production 用生产钛白的副产物绿矾处理含铬废水
Preparation of Iron Oxide Red and Ammonium Sulphate with Copperas, A by-product in the Production of Titanium Dioxide 由钛白生产副产物绿矾制备氧化铁红及硫酸铵的研究
New technology of copperas preparation from pyrite cinders 以硫铁矿烧渣为原料制备绿矾新技术
Production of ferrous powder by oxidative roast of copperas, a byproduct of titanium pigment was introduced, and optimum process for the transformation of sulfur to sulfur trioxide was studied. Preparation of ( NH_4)_2SO_4 and Red Fe_2O_3 from Side Product of Making TiO_2 Powder 介绍了以硫酸法钛白粉副产物绿矾为原料,氧化焙烧生产铁红粉,并研究了氧化反应中硫转化为三氧化硫的适宜工艺条件。钛白粉副产物硫酸亚铁生产硫酸铵和氧化铁红的研究
The application of chlorinated copperas 氯化硫酸亚铁混凝剂的应用
With more amount of copperas supplied, better effect was found for As and Cd, but Cd leaching was also influenced by pH value in the treatment process. As和Cd的稳定化效果随绿矾用量的增加而增强,其中Cd还受过程pH值的影响。
In the research process, fly ash samples were taken from an ordinarily operating incineration plant firstly stabilized with copperas and than solidified by cement. 论文以深圳某焚烧厂的飞灰为研究对象,研究过程中首先采用绿矾对飞灰进行化学稳定化,随后将稳定化后的飞灰进行水泥固化。
A new way for comprehensive utilization of copperas was put forward. Reduced iron powder was obtained by converting copperas to ferrous carbonate with ( NH_4)_2CO_3, followed by reduction roasting with anthracite as reducer and CaCO_3 as additive. 提出了一种新的绿矾综合利用的途径,即绿矾经碳酸盐转化,然后采用无烟煤作还原剂,CaCO3为添加剂,进行高温还原焙烧制取还原铁粉。
In order to test the influence of chemical pretreatment on the vitrification of municipal solid waste incineration fly ash, phosphate solution and copperas solution were used to wash the fly ashes before they were undergone vitrification process. 在垃圾焚烧飞灰进行熔融玻璃化之前,先用磷酸盐或绿矾溶液对飞灰进行洗涤,研究这种化学稳定化预处理对飞灰玻璃固化效果的影响。
Treatment of waste incineration residues with copperas: Investigations of reaction conditions for simultaneously stabilizing different heavy metals 绿矾处理垃圾焚烧灰渣过程中重金属的同时稳定化研究
Experimental Study on Preparation of Ultrafine Fe(ⅲ) Oxide from By-product Copperas in Titanium White Pigment Production 硅灰石质白色颜料的研制钛白粉副产品绿矾制备超细氧化铁实验研究
Preparation of Copperas by Reducing Fe~ ( 3+) with Pyrite at High Temperature and High Pressure 高温高压下硫铁矿还原Fe~(3+)制备绿矾的研究
The results show that water copperas in a coal seam will produce a large amount of heat when it is exposed in air and has a function of speeding anthracite spontaneous combustion, and the effect will increase when the amount of water copperas in a coal seam increases. 结果表明,煤中所含的水绿矾暴露于空气中时将会产生大量热量,对煤自燃产生促进作用,且含量越高,影响越大。
Copperas prepared by a reduction method of mechanically activated pyrite from pyrite cinder is featured by low cost, fast reaction speed and high quality. 以硫铁矿烧渣为原料,采用机械活化硫铁矿还原法制备绿矾具有成本低、反应快、产品质量高等优点。
The result showed that the basic waste water containing Cr6+ could be treated directly by adding copperas. The treated waste water meets the discharge standard. 结果表明,含Cr6+碱性废水中加入七水硫酸亚铁直接处理,处理后的废水可达排放标准。